P R Herbal
P R Herbal
Shyam Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan
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Herbal Powder

Leading Manufacturer of herbal garcinia capsules, herbal neem powder, herbal stamina syrup, herbal ageing drops, jeevan amrit drop and herbal leucorrhoea drop from Jaipur.

Herbal Garcinia Capsules

Herbal Garcinia Capsules
  • Herbal Garcinia Capsules
  • Herbal Garcinia Capsules
  • Herbal Garcinia Capsules
  • Herbal Garcinia Capsules
  • Herbal Garcinia Capsules
  • Herbal Garcinia Capsules
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Approx. Price: Rs 85 / BottleGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size60 Capsule
Packaging TypeBottle
Shelf Life18 months
Country of OriginMade in India

Herbal Garcinia capsules are dietary supplements made from extracts of Garcinia cambogia, a tropical fruit also known as Malabar tamarind. Garcinia cambogia has gained popularity in recent years for its potential benefits for weight loss and appetite control. While specific benefits may vary depending on the formulation and quality of the capsules, here are some potential benefits associated with herbal Garcinia capsules:

  1. Appetite suppression: Garcinia cambogia contains a compound called hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which is believed to help suppress appetite by increasing serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates mood and appetite, and higher levels of serotonin may lead to reduced food cravings and calorie intake.

  2. Weight loss support: Some studies suggest that Garcinia cambogia may aid in weight loss by inhibiting the enzyme citrate lyase, which plays a role in the conversion of carbohydrates into fat. By blocking this enzyme, Garcinia cambogia may help prevent the accumulation of fat stores and promote fat burning for energy, leading to weight loss.

  3. Fat metabolism: Garcinia cambogia has been shown to increase fat metabolism and enhance the body's ability to burn fat. This may be attributed to the HCA content in Garcinia cambogia, which may help stimulate the oxidation of fatty acids and promote thermogenesis, the process by which the body generates heat and burns calories.

  4. Blood sugar regulation: Some research suggests that Garcinia cambogia may help regulate blood sugar levels by improving insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism. This could potentially benefit individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing insulin resistance.

  5. Cholesterol management: Garcinia cambogia may have beneficial effects on cholesterol levels by reducing levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol. This may help improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of heart disease.

  6. Mood enhancement: The increase in serotonin levels associated with Garcinia cambogia supplementation may also have positive effects on mood and emotional well-being. Some users report feeling happier and more motivated while taking Garcinia cambogia capsules.

It's important to note that while herbal Garcinia capsules may offer these potential benefits, scientific evidence supporting their efficacy for weight loss is mixed, and individual responses can vary. Additionally, Garcinia cambogia supplements should be used as part of a comprehensive weight loss plan that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and other healthy lifestyle practices. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

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Herbal Neem Powder

Herbal Neem Powder
  • Herbal Neem Powder
  • Herbal Neem Powder
  • Herbal Neem Powder
  • Herbal Neem Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 45 / PieceGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size100 gm
Packaging TypePack
TypeNeem Leaves Powder
BrandP R Herbal
Shelf life18 months
Country of OriginMade in India

Neem leaf powder purifies the blood, battles free radical damage, flushes out toxins, treats insect bites and cures ulcers. Furthermore, the powerful antifungal, antibacterial properties of neem leaf powder facilitates in treatment of skin disorders and triggers the immune system.

Here Are 5 Benefits of Neem Powder:
  1. Antibacterial Properties – Neem is one of the best natural antiseptic and cleansing herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. Use it to clear skin problems like eczema and psoriasis. It works magic for acne-prone skin. We use Neem as the star ingredient in our Purifying Range to control excess sebum and neutralize oily skin.
  2. Detoxing Properties – Neem comes in many different forms, from powder and supplements to pastes and oils. Either way, it’s extremely powerful at detoxing important internal organs. So, use it to cleanse your liver and stimulate your kidneys. It also detoxes the blood from germs picked up on a day-to-day basis. Try adding 1 tablespoon of Neem powder to 1 tablespoon of water to detox your internal organs.
  3. Metabolic Properties – Neem promotes a healthy metabolism. This is a result of its detoxing properties. As it eliminates germs from your blood and organs, it creates a much healthier and cleaner metabolic system. 
  4. Diabetic Properties – Neem is also highly recommended for people who have Diabetes as it reduces the blood glucose level. There has been a huge increase in the manufacturing of Neem tablets worldwide due to the success in treating Diabetes with no side effects. 
  5. Hair Care Properties– Neem is also renowned for its use on the scalp and for its hair strengthening properties. Commonly used for soothing itchy scalps and reducing dandruff, it is also strong enough to kill head lice and is the top method of doing so in India. If you suffer from dry hair or dandruff, try incorporating an oil version of the plant into your hair care regime, running it through the hair, especially the ends.
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Herbal Stamina Syrup

Herbal Stamina Syrup
  • Herbal Stamina Syrup
  • Herbal Stamina Syrup
  • Herbal Stamina Syrup
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Approx. Price: Rs 40 / BottleGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging typeBottle
Shelf life18 months
dosage15 - 30 ml Twice in A day before meal.
Country of OriginMade in India

  1. Increased Energy Levels: Herbal stamina syrups often contain ingredients such as adaptogenic herbs (e.g., ashwagandha, ginseng) and natural stimulants (e.g., guarana, green tea extract) that help boost energy levels and combat fatigue. These ingredients may enhance vitality and improve overall stamina.

  2. Improved Physical Performance: Certain herbs found in herbal stamina syrups, such as tribulus terrestris and maca root, have been traditionally used to enhance physical performance, stamina, and endurance. These herbs may help athletes and active individuals perform better during workouts or physical activities.

  3. Enhanced Mental Focus and Clarity: Herbal stamina syrups may contain ingredients like ginkgo biloba, rhodiola rosea, and bacopa monnieri, which have been shown to improve cognitive function, focus, and mental clarity. These herbs can help reduce mental fatigue and support alertness and concentration.

  4. Adaptogenic Support: Adaptogenic herbs found in herbal stamina syrups, such as ashwagandha, rhodiola, and holy basil, help the body adapt to stress and maintain balance. These herbs may help reduce stress-related fatigue, promote resilience to stressors, and support overall well-being.

  5. Libido Enhancement: Some herbal stamina syrups contain aphrodisiac herbs like tribulus terrestris, horny goat weed, and damiana, which may help enhance libido, sexual desire, and performance in both men and women. These herbs may support sexual health and vitality.

  6. Enhanced Immune Function: Certain herbs found in herbal stamina syrups, such as astragalus and echinacea, have immune-boosting properties that help strengthen the immune system and protect against infections and illnesses. Supporting immune function can help maintain overall health and vitality.

  7. Cardiovascular Health: Some herbal stamina syrups contain ingredients like hawthorn berry and garlic, which have cardioprotective effects and support heart health. These ingredients may help improve circulation, reduce blood pressure, and enhance cardiovascular function, contributing to overall stamina and vitality.

  8. Antioxidant Protection: Many herbs found in herbal stamina syrups are rich in antioxidants, which help neutralize free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and protecting cells from damage. Antioxidants support overall health and vitality by promoting cellular health and longevity.

  9. Blood Sugar Regulation: Certain herbs found in herbal stamina syrups, such as cinnamon and bitter melon, may help regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity. Maintaining stable blood sugar levels can help prevent energy crashes and support sustained stamina and vitality.

  10. Overall Well-being: By supporting energy levels, mental clarity, physical performance, and immune function, herbal stamina syrups contribute to overall well-being and vitality. Regular use can help individuals feel more energized, focused, and resilient in their daily activities.

It's important to note that while herbal stamina syrups may offer these potential benefits, individual responses may vary, and it's essential to use them as part of a balanced lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a healthy diet, adequate sleep, and stress management techniques. If you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using herbal stamina syrups or any dietary supplements.

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Herbal Ageing Drops

Herbal Ageing Drops
  • Herbal Ageing Drops
  • Herbal Ageing Drops
  • Herbal Ageing Drops
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Approx. Price: Rs 55 / BottleGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Pack Size30 ml
Packaging Size30 ml
Pack TypeBottle
Shelf Life18 Months
UsagesTo support overall health and well-being by providing the body with the necessary nutrients
Country of OriginMade in India

"Herbal Ageing Drops" likely refers to a product that claims to offer benefits related to aging, possibly using herbal ingredients. While specific benefits can vary depending on the formulation and ingredients of the drops, here are some potential benefits that herbal aging drops may claim to provide:

  1. Antioxidant Support: Many herbal ingredients contain antioxidants, which can help combat oxidative stress and reduce damage caused by free radicals. This may contribute to overall cellular health and potentially slow down the aging process.

  2. Support for Skin Health: Certain herbs may have properties that promote skin elasticity, hydration, and collagen production, potentially reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

  3. Joint Health: Some herbal ingredients may have anti-inflammatory properties that support joint health and mobility, reducing stiffness and discomfort associated with aging.

  4. Energy and Vitality: Certain herbs may be used to support energy levels and overall vitality, helping individuals maintain an active lifestyle as they age.

  5. Cognitive Function: Some herbal ingredients are believed to support cognitive function and brain health, potentially improving memory, focus, and mental clarity.

  6. Digestive Health: Certain herbs may support digestive function and alleviate common issues such as bloating, gas, and indigestion, which can become more prevalent with age.

  7. Stress Relief: Some herbal ingredients have adaptogenic properties, meaning they may help the body adapt to and cope with stress, promoting overall well-being as individuals age.

  8. Immune Support: Certain herbs may support immune function, helping to reduce the risk of illness and infection, which becomes increasingly important as the immune system may weaken with age.

It's important to note that while herbal aging drops may offer potential benefits, individual results can vary, and scientific evidence supporting their efficacy may be limited. As with any supplement or herbal remedy, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before use, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications. They can provide personalized advice and help determine if herbal aging drops are suitable for you

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Jeevan Amrit Drop

Jeevan Amrit Drop
  • Jeevan Amrit Drop
  • Jeevan Amrit Drop
  • Jeevan Amrit Drop
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Approx. Price: Rs 55 / BottleGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging TypeBottle
Packaging Size30ml
shelf life18 months
Dosage3 - 4 Drop
Country of OriginMade in India

  1. Overall Wellness: Products with names like "Jeevan Amrit" often aim to promote overall well-being and vitality. They may claim to support the body's natural healing mechanisms and enhance overall health.

  2. Immune System Support: Many Ayurvedic formulations focus on boosting immune function to help the body resist infections and maintain health. "Jeevan Amrit Drops" might claim to support the immune system through a combination of herbs and natural ingredients known for their immunomodulatory properties.

  3. Energy and Vitality: Some Ayurvedic formulations are designed to increase energy levels and vitality. Ingredients like adaptogenic herbs (e.g., ashwagandha, ginseng) and revitalizing herbs (e.g., shilajit) may be included to promote stamina and endurance.

  4. Stress Reduction: Ayurvedic remedies often address stress and promote relaxation. Ingredients such as ashwagandha, brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), and tulsi (holy basil) may be included in "Jeevan Amrit Drops" to help combat stress and promote a sense of calm and well-being.

  5. Digestive Health: Ayurveda places significant emphasis on digestive health, considering it a cornerstone of overall wellness. "Jeevan Amrit Drops" might contain herbs and spices traditionally used to support digestion and gut health, such as ginger, fennel, and triphala.

  6. Detoxification: Some Ayurvedic formulations aim to support the body's natural detoxification processes. Ingredients like triphala, neem, and turmeric may be included to help cleanse the body of toxins and promote detoxification.

  7. Anti-inflammatory Effects: Ayurvedic herbs are often used for their anti-inflammatory properties. Ingredients like turmeric, ginger, and boswellia may be included in "Jeevan Amrit Drops" to help reduce inflammation and support joint health.

It's important to note that the efficacy of Ayurvedic remedies can vary depending on the quality of the ingredients, formulation, and individual factors. Additionally, while Ayurvedic remedies have a long history of use, scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness may be limited. As with any supplement or herbal remedy, it's advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before using "Jeevan Amrit Drops," especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

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Herbal Leucorrhoea Drop

Herbal Leucorrhoea Drop
  • Herbal Leucorrhoea Drop
  • Herbal Leucorrhoea Drop
  • Herbal Leucorrhoea Drop
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Approx. Price: Rs 55 / BottleGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Pack Size30 ml
Packaging Size30 ml
Pack TypeBottle
Shelf Life18 Months
UsagesTo support overall health and well-being by providing the body with the necessary nutrients
Country of OriginMade in India

Herbal leucorrhoea drops are dietary supplements formulated to address the symptoms associated with leucorrhoea, a condition characterized by abnormal vaginal discharge. While the specific benefits may vary depending on the formulation and ingredients used, here are some potential benefits associated with herbal leucorrhoea drops:

  1. Balanced Vaginal pH: Some herbal ingredients in leucorrhoea drops may help restore and maintain the natural pH balance of the vagina, which is essential for preventing overgrowth of harmful bacteria and yeast.

  2. Antimicrobial Properties: Certain herbs included in leucorrhoea drops, such as neem (Azadirachta indica) and turmeric (Curcuma longa), possess antimicrobial properties that may help combat infections and reduce abnormal vaginal discharge caused by bacterial or fungal overgrowth.

  3. Anti-inflammatory Effects: Ingredients like ashoka (Saraca asoca) and lodhra (Symplocos racemosa) may have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation and irritation of the vaginal tissues associated with leucorrhoea.

  4. Astringent Action: Some herbs in leucorrhoea drops, such as alum (Fitkari), have astringent properties that may help tighten vaginal tissues and reduce excessive vaginal discharge.

  5. Hormonal Balance: Certain herbal ingredients, such as ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), are believed to help regulate hormonal balance in the body. Hormonal imbalances can sometimes contribute to leucorrhoea symptoms.

  6. Immune System Support: Herbal leucorrhoea drops may contain ingredients that support immune function, such as amla (Indian gooseberry) and guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia). A strong immune system can help the body fight off infections that may cause leucorrhoea.

  7. Uterine Tonic: Some herbal ingredients in leucorrhoea drops, such as lodhra and ashoka, are considered uterine tonics that may help tone and strengthen the uterus. This can be beneficial for overall reproductive health.

  8. Stress Reduction: Adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha and shatavari are believed to help the body adapt to stress and promote relaxation. Stress management can be important for overall well-being and may help reduce symptoms of leucorrhoea.

  9. Nourishment and Tissue Repair: Certain herbs and nutrients included in leucorrhoea drops may provide nourishment to the vaginal tissues and support tissue repair, helping to alleviate discomfort and promote healing.

It's important to note that while herbal leucorrhoea drops may offer potential benefits, individual responses can vary, and scientific evidence supporting their efficacy may be limited. Additionally, leucorrhoea can be caused by various underlying factors, including infections, hormonal imbalances, and other health conditions, so it's important to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment. Herbal supplements should be used under the guidance of a qualified healthcare practitioner, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding

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Stem Cell Tablets

Stem Cell Tablets
  • Stem Cell Tablets
  • Stem Cell Tablets
  • Stem Cell Tablets
  • Stem Cell Tablets
  • Stem Cell Tablets
  • Stem Cell Tablets
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Approx. Price: Rs 95 / BottleGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size60 Tablet
Packaging TypeBottle
Dosage1 - 2 tablet twice in a day
Country of OriginMade in India

Stem cell tablets are a relatively new area of research and development, and their benefits are still being explored. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have the potential to develop into various cell types in the body. Stem cell therapy, including the potential use of stem cell tablets, holds promise for a wide range of medical applications. Here are some potential benefits of stem cell tablets:

  1. Tissue Regeneration: Stem cells have the ability to regenerate damaged tissues and organs in the body. Stem cell tablets may facilitate this process by providing a concentrated source of stem cells that can be targeted to specific areas of injury or disease.

  2. Treatment of Chronic Diseases: Stem cell therapy shows potential in treating chronic diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, heart disease, and spinal cord injuries. Stem cell tablets may offer a convenient and non-invasive way to administer stem cell therapy for these conditions.

  3. Reduced Inflammation: Stem cells have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation associated with various conditions such as arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and inflammatory bowel disease. Taking stem cell tablets may help modulate the body's inflammatory response.

  4. Improved Healing: Stem cells play a crucial role in the body's natural healing process. By promoting cell growth and differentiation, stem cell tablets may accelerate the healing of wounds, fractures, and other injuries.

  5. Reversal of Aging: Some researchers are exploring the potential of stem cell therapy in reversing the effects of aging. Stem cell tablets containing rejuvenating stem cells could theoretically slow down or even reverse age-related degeneration in tissues and organs.

  6. Enhanced Immune Function: Stem cells have immunomodulatory effects, meaning they can regulate the immune system's response. Stem cell tablets may help strengthen the immune system and improve overall health and resistance to infections.

  7. Personalized Medicine: Stem cell therapy can be tailored to individual patients based on their specific medical conditions and genetic makeup. Stem cell tablets could be customized to deliver the appropriate type and dosage of stem cells for each patient's needs.

It's important to note that while stem cell therapy holds great promise, it's still in the early stages of development, and more research is needed to fully understand its safety, efficacy, and long-term effects. Additionally, regulatory approval and ethical considerations play a significant role in the widespread adoption of stem cell-based treatments, including stem cell tablets

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Herbal Thyroid Tablet

Herbal Thyroid Tablet
  • Herbal Thyroid Tablet
  • Herbal Thyroid Tablet
  • Herbal Thyroid Tablet
  • Herbal Thyroid Tablet
  • Herbal Thyroid Tablet
  • Herbal Thyroid Tablet
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Approx. Price: Rs 95 / BottleGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size60 Tablet
Packaging TypeBottle
Shelf life18 months
Dosage1 - 2 Tablet Twice in a day
Country of OriginMade in India

Herbal thyroid tablets are often marketed as natural supplements designed to support thyroid health and function. The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in regulating metabolism, energy levels, mood, and various physiological processes in the body. While the efficacy of herbal thyroid tablets can vary, some potential benefits attributed to these supplements include:

  1. Support for Thyroid Function: Certain herbs, such as ashwagandha, guggul, bladderwrack, and coleus forskohlii, are believed to support thyroid function by helping to regulate the production and secretion of thyroid hormones. These herbs may help maintain a healthy balance of thyroid hormones, such as thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).

  2. Regulation of Metabolism: The thyroid gland plays a key role in regulating metabolism, and herbal thyroid tablets may help support metabolic function. By promoting optimal thyroid function, these supplements may help regulate energy production, nutrient metabolism, and weight management.

  3. Energy Boost: Thyroid hormones are essential for energy metabolism, and imbalances in thyroid function can lead to fatigue and low energy levels. Herbal thyroid tablets may help support energy levels by promoting healthy thyroid function and metabolism.

  4. Mood Support: Thyroid hormones influence mood and mental well-being, and imbalances in thyroid function can contribute to mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. Herbal thyroid supplements may help support mood balance by promoting optimal thyroid function and hormone production.

  5. Hair and Skin Health: Thyroid hormones play a role in regulating hair growth, skin integrity, and overall appearance. Herbal thyroid tablets may help support healthy hair and skin by promoting proper thyroid function and hormone balance.

  6. Regulation of Body Temperature: Thyroid hormones help regulate body temperature, and imbalances in thyroid function can disrupt thermoregulation. Herbal thyroid supplements may help support normal body temperature regulation by promoting optimal thyroid function.

  7. Natural Approach: For individuals who prefer natural remedies, herbal thyroid tablets offer an alternative to conventional thyroid medications. These supplements may provide support for thyroid health without the potential side effects associated with prescription medications.

It's important to note that while herbal thyroid tablets may offer potential benefits, they are not intended to replace conventional medical treatment for thyroid disorders. If you suspect you have a thyroid condition or are experiencing symptoms of thyroid dysfunction, such as fatigue, weight changes, or mood disturbances, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, herbal supplements can interact with medications and may not be suitable for everyone, so it's important to discuss their use with a healthcare provider before starting supplementation.

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Herbal Shatavari Capsules

Herbal Shatavari Capsules
  • Herbal Shatavari Capsules
  • Herbal Shatavari Capsules
  • Herbal Shatavari Capsules
  • Herbal Shatavari Capsules
  • Herbal Shatavari Capsules
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Approx. Price: Rs 105 / BottleGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging size60 Capsules
Packaging typeBottle
Direction Of Usetwice a day
Country of OriginMade in India

Herbal Shatavari capsules are dietary supplements made from the root of the Asparagus racemosus plant, commonly known as Shatavari. Shatavari has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine for its potential health benefits, particularly for women's health. Here are some potential benefits associated with Shatavari capsules:

  1. Hormonal balance: Shatavari is believed to have adaptogenic properties, meaning it may help the body adapt to stress and maintain hormonal balance. Shatavari capsules may support the endocrine system, helping regulate hormone levels and alleviate symptoms of hormonal imbalances such as irregular menstruation, menopausal symptoms, and PMS (premenstrual syndrome).

  2. Reproductive health: Shatavari is known as a "female tonic" and is traditionally used to support reproductive health and fertility in women. Shatavari capsules may help regulate menstrual cycles, improve ovulation, and enhance fertility by balancing hormonal levels and nourishing the reproductive organs.

  3. Lactation support: Shatavari is considered a galactagogue, meaning it may help promote lactation and increase milk production in breastfeeding women. Shatavari capsules may be beneficial for nursing mothers who experience low milk supply or breastfeeding difficulties.

  4. Digestive health: Shatavari has been traditionally used to support digestive health and treat digestive disorders such as gastritis, ulcers, and acid reflux. Shatavari capsules may help soothe and protect the gastrointestinal tract, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy digestion.

  5. Immune system support: Shatavari is believed to have immunomodulatory properties, meaning it may help regulate the immune system and enhance immune function. Shatavari capsules may help strengthen the body's natural defenses, reduce susceptibility to infections, and promote overall health and well-being.

  6. Anti-inflammatory effects: Shatavari contains bioactive compounds such as saponins and flavonoids that have anti-inflammatory properties. Shatavari capsules may help reduce inflammation throughout the body, alleviating symptoms of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, asthma, and inflammatory bowel disease.

  7. Antioxidant protection: Shatavari is rich in antioxidants such as saponins, flavonoids, and ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. Shatavari capsules may help reduce oxidative stress, protect cells from damage, and slow down the aging process.

It's important to note that while Shatavari capsules may offer these potential benefits, individual responses can vary, and scientific evidence supporting their efficacy may be limited. Additionally, Shatavari capsules should be used as part of a comprehensive approach to health and wellness that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, stress management, and other healthy lifestyle practices. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding

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Herbal Wheatgrass Capsules

Herbal Wheatgrass Capsules
  • Herbal Wheatgrass Capsules
  • Herbal Wheatgrass Capsules
  • Herbal Wheatgrass Capsules
  • Herbal Wheatgrass Capsules
  • Herbal Wheatgrass Capsules
  • Herbal Wheatgrass Capsules
  • Herbal Wheatgrass Capsules
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Approx. Price: Rs 115 / BottleGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging typeBottle
Packaging size60 Capsules
Dose/Strength500 mg
Direction Of Usetwice a day
Country of OriginMade in India

Herbal wheatgrass capsules are dietary supplements made from the young shoots of the wheat plant, Triticum aestivum. Wheatgrass is known for its dense nutritional profile and potential health benefits. Here are some potential benefits associated with wheatgrass capsules:

  1. Nutrient-rich: Wheatgrass is packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, and chlorophyll, making it highly nutritious. Wheatgrass capsules provide a convenient way to access these nutrients, including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, B vitamins, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and amino acids.

  2. Detoxification: Wheatgrass contains chlorophyll, which is believed to have detoxifying properties. Chlorophyll may help cleanse the liver, kidneys, and bloodstream, and promote the elimination of toxins and waste products from the body. Wheatgrass capsules may support detoxification and improve overall health and vitality.

  3. Immune support: Wheatgrass is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and flavonoids, which help boost the immune system and protect against infections and diseases. Wheatgrass capsules may help strengthen the body's natural defenses, reduce inflammation, and promote overall immune health.

  4. Digestive health: Wheatgrass contains dietary fiber and enzymes that help support healthy digestion and relieve gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating, gas, and indigestion. Wheatgrass capsules may help soothe the digestive tract, improve nutrient absorption, and promote gut health.

  5. Energy and vitality: Wheatgrass is known for its energizing and revitalizing properties. Wheatgrass capsules may help increase energy levels, reduce fatigue, and improve stamina and endurance, making them popular among athletes and individuals with busy lifestyles.

  6. Alkalizing effect: Wheatgrass is alkaline-forming, meaning it may help balance the body's pH levels and reduce acidity. An alkaline environment in the body is believed to support overall health and prevent the development of chronic diseases.

  7. Skin health: Wheatgrass contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that may help promote healthy skin, reduce inflammation, and protect against damage caused by free radicals and UV radiation. Wheatgrass capsules may help improve skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

It's important to note that while wheatgrass capsules may offer these potential benefits, individual responses can vary, and scientific evidence supporting their efficacy may be limited. Additionally, wheatgrass capsules should be used as part of a comprehensive approach to health and wellness that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, stress management, and other healthy lifestyle practices. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding.

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Aloe Vera Powder

Aloe Vera Powder
  • Aloe Vera Powder
  • Aloe Vera Powder
  • Aloe Vera Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 55 / PieceGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size200 g
Shelf life18 Months
Pack Size100g
Pack TypeBottle
Country of OriginMade in India

Aloe vera powder is derived from the succulent plant Aloe vera and offers a range of potential benefits. Here are some of the key benefits associated with aloe vera powder:
1. **Skin Health**: Aloe vera powder is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that nourish and moisturize the skin. It can help soothe sunburns, reduce inflammation, promote wound healing, and alleviate skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
2. **Hair Care**: Aloe vera powder contains enzymes that can promote healthy hair growth, moisturize the scalp, and reduce dandruff. It may also strengthen hair strands and prevent breakage.
3. **Digestive Health**: Consuming aloe vera powder may support digestive health by soothing the digestive tract, promoting regular bowel movements, and relieving symptoms of conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and acid reflux.
4. **Immune Support**: Aloe vera powder contains compounds such as polysaccharides and antioxidants that can support the immune system and protect the body against oxidative stress and inflammation.
5. **Oral Health**: Aloe vera powder has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can promote oral hygiene. It may help reduce plaque buildup, prevent cavities, and soothe gum inflammation.
6. **Detoxification**: Some proponents suggest that consuming aloe vera powder may aid in detoxifying the body by promoting bowel movements and eliminating toxins.
7. **Anti-inflammatory Effects**: Aloe vera powder contains compounds like acemannan and salicylic acid, which have anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds may help reduce inflammation throughout the body and alleviate symptoms of inflammatory conditions.
8. **Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties**: Aloe vera powder has natural antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help prevent infections when applied topically to wounds or used in skincare products.
9. **Blood Sugar Regulation**: Some studies suggest that aloe vera may help regulate blood sugar levels, which could be beneficial for individuals with diabetes. However, more research is needed to confirm these effects.
10. **Joint and Muscle Health**: Aloe vera powder's anti-inflammatory properties may also benefit joint and muscle health by reducing inflammation and relieving pain associated with conditions like arthritis and muscle strains.
It's important to note that while aloe vera powder offers many potential benefits, individual responses may vary. It's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before using it, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications.
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Herbal Ashwagandha Powder

Herbal Ashwagandha Powder
  • Herbal Ashwagandha Powder
  • Herbal Ashwagandha Powder
  • Herbal Ashwagandha Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 80 / PieceGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size100 g
Packaging TypeBottle
Shelf life18 months
Dosage Form (If Applicable)1-2 Spoon Twice in a Day Before meal
Country of OriginMade in India

Ashwagandha, also known as Withania somnifera or Indian ginseng, is an ancient medicinal herb that has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine. Ashwagandha powder, derived from the root of the Ashwagandha plant, offers a variety of potential health benefits. Here are some of the key benefits associated with Ashwagandha powder:

  1. Stress Reduction: Ashwagandha is considered an adaptogen, meaning it may help the body better adapt to stress and reduce stress-related symptoms. It may lower cortisol levels, a hormone associated with stress, thereby promoting relaxation and overall well-being.

  2. Anxiety Relief: Several studies suggest that Ashwagandha may reduce symptoms of anxiety and improve mood. It may work by modulating neurotransmitters such as serotonin and GABA, which are involved in regulating mood and anxiety.

  3. Improved Sleep: Ashwagandha has been shown to have sedative properties, which may help improve sleep quality and duration. It can promote relaxation and calmness, making it beneficial for individuals struggling with insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns.

  4. Boosted Immune Function: Ashwagandha contains compounds that have immunomodulatory effects, meaning they can help regulate the immune system's response. By enhancing immune function, Ashwagandha may help the body better defend against infections and illness.

  5. Increased Energy and Stamina: Some research suggests that Ashwagandha may enhance physical performance and stamina by improving cardiovascular endurance and reducing fatigue. It may also support muscle strength and recovery after exercise.

  6. Cognitive Enhancement: Ashwagandha has been studied for its potential cognitive benefits, including improved memory, attention, and mental clarity. It may protect brain cells from oxidative stress and support neurotransmitter balance, which are important for cognitive function.

  7. Hormonal Balance: Ashwagandha may help balance hormones in both men and women by regulating cortisol levels and supporting thyroid function. It may also have aphrodisiac properties and enhance sexual health and fertility.

  8. Anti-inflammatory Effects: Ashwagandha contains compounds with anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce inflammation in the body and alleviate symptoms of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and autoimmune diseases.

  9. Blood Sugar Regulation: Some studies suggest that Ashwagandha may help regulate blood sugar levels by improving insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism. This could be beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing the condition.

  10. Cardioprotective Effects: Ashwagandha has been shown to have cardioprotective properties by lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reducing blood pressure, and improving overall heart health.

It's important to note that while Ashwagandha powder offers many potential benefits, individual responses may vary, and it may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with certain medical conditions or taking medications. It's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

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Heral BP Powder

Heral BP Powder
  • Heral BP Powder
  • Heral BP Powder
  • Heral BP Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 75 / PieceGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size100 gm
Packaging TypeBottle
Shelf life18 months
Dosage Form (If Applicable)1-2 Spoon Twice in a Day Before meal
Country of OriginMade in India

It appears there may be a typographical error in your query as "Heral BP Powder" doesn't seem to be a widely recognized term. If you're referring to a specific herbal product with a similar name, please provide more context or correct the term, and I'll do my best to provide information on its potential benefits.
However, if you're referring to a herbal powder aimed at supporting blood pressure management, here are some potential benefits it may offer:
1. **Blood Pressure Regulation**: Herbal ingredients such as hawthorn, garlic, olive leaf extract, and celery seed may help regulate blood pressure by supporting healthy circulation, relaxing blood vessels, and promoting optimal heart function.
2. **Cardiovascular Health**: Some herbs used in blood pressure management formulations, like Hawthorn, may support overall heart health by improving cardiac muscle function, reducing cholesterol levels, and protecting against oxidative stress.
3. **Antioxidant Properties**: Many herbs contain antioxidants that can help protect blood vessels from damage caused by free radicals, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension-related complications.
4. **Stress Reduction**: Certain herbs, such as ashwagandha and Rhodiola, may have adaptogenic properties, helping the body better cope with stress and anxiety, which can contribute to better blood pressure control.
5. **Diuretic Effects**: Some herbs like dandelion leaf and parsley may have mild diuretic effects, helping to eliminate excess sodium and water from the body, which can contribute to lower blood pressure levels.
6. **Anti-inflammatory Effects**: Certain herbs may possess anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation in the blood vessels and improve blood flow, contributing to better blood pressure regulation.
7. **Improved Circulation**: Ingredients such as ginger and cayenne pepper may help improve circulation by dilating blood vessels, reducing blood viscosity, and promoting blood flow to vital organs.
8. **Kidney Health**: Some herbs may support kidney function, helping to maintain electrolyte balance and regulate blood pressure levels more effectively.
9. **Strengthened Arterial Walls**: Ingredients like garlic and olive leaf extract may help strengthen arterial walls, reducing the risk of arterial stiffness and hypertension.
10. **Weight Management**: Herbal ingredients such as green tea extract and Garcinia cambogia may aid in weight management by boosting metabolism, reducing appetite, and promoting fat burning, which can indirectly contribute to better blood pressure control.
It's important to note that the effectiveness of any herbal supplement or powder for blood pressure management may vary among individuals, and it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.
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Herbal Chandan Powder

Herbal Chandan Powder
  • Herbal Chandan Powder
  • Herbal Chandan Powder
  • Herbal Chandan Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 80 / PieceGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Weight/Packaging Size100 gm
Shelf Life18 Months
Dosage1-2 Spoon Twice in a Day Before meal
packaging TypeBottle
Country of OriginMade in India

Chandan powder, also known as sandalwood powder, is derived from the heartwood of the sandalwood tree (Santalum album). It has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine and traditional skincare practices for its aromatic fragrance and potential health benefits. Here are some of the key benefits associated with chandan powder:
1. **Skin Care**: Chandan powder is highly valued for its skin-soothing properties. It may help to calm irritated skin, reduce inflammation, and promote overall skin health. Chandan powder is often used in face packs, masks, and scrubs to cleanse the skin, tighten pores, and improve complexion.
2. **Acne Treatment**: Due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, chandan powder is used in the treatment of acne and pimples. It may help to reduce redness and swelling associated with acne, prevent bacterial growth on the skin, and promote faster healing of blemishes.
3. **Skin Brightening**: Chandan powder is believed to have skin-lightening properties, which can help to reduce the appearance of dark spots, blemishes, and pigmentation. Regular use of chandan powder may result in a brighter and more even complexion.
4. **Anti-Aging Effects**: Chandan powder contains antioxidants that can help to neutralize free radicals and protect the skin from premature aging. It may help to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots, promoting youthful-looking skin.
5. **Sunburn Relief**: Chandan powder has cooling and soothing properties that make it effective in relieving sunburns and sun-damaged skin. It may help to reduce redness, inflammation, and discomfort caused by excessive sun exposure.
6. **Natural Fragrance**: Chandan powder has a sweet, woody aroma that is prized in perfumery and aromatherapy. It is often used in the production of incense, essential oils, and fragrances for its calming and uplifting scent.
7. **Stress Relief**: The aroma of chandan powder is known to have a calming effect on the mind and body. It is used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and induce a sense of peace and tranquility.
8. **Spiritual and Religious Practices**: Chandan powder holds great significance in various spiritual and religious traditions. It is used in rituals, ceremonies, and meditation practices for its purifying and sacred properties.
9. **Anti-inflammatory Properties**: Chandan powder has mild anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce inflammation and irritation on the skin. It may be beneficial for conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, and allergic reactions.
10. **Hair Care**: Chandan powder can also be used to nourish and condition the hair and scalp. It may help to soothe scalp irritation, reduce dandruff, and add shine and luster to the hair.
It's important to note that while chandan powder offers many potential benefits, individual responses may vary, and it's always best to perform a patch test before using it on the skin, especially if you have sensitive skin or allergies. Additionally, ensure that you are using pure, high-quality chandan powder obtained from a reputable source for best results.
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Powder Chlorophyll Powder

Powder Chlorophyll Powder
  • Powder Chlorophyll Powder
  • Powder Chlorophyll Powder
  • Powder Chlorophyll Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 80 / PieceGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size100 gm
Packaging TypeBottle
Shelf life18 months
Dosage Form (If Applicable)1-2 spoon twice in a day before meal
Country of OriginMade in India

Chlorophyll is a pigment found in plants and algae that's responsible for their green color. Chlorophyll powder, which is derived from plants, particularly leafy green vegetables, has gained popularity for its potential health benefits. Here are some of the benefits associated with chlorophyll powder:

  1. Antioxidant Properties: Chlorophyll has antioxidant properties, meaning it can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. This may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases and slow down the aging process.

  2. Detoxification: Chlorophyll is believed to aid in detoxification by binding to and neutralizing toxins, heavy metals, and other harmful substances in the body. It may help support liver function and promote overall detoxification.

  3. Alkalizing: Some proponents suggest that chlorophyll powder can help alkalize the body, balancing pH levels and reducing acidity. Alkaline environments are believed to support overall health and may help prevent certain diseases.

  4. Body Odor Reduction: Chlorophyll has been used as a natural remedy for reducing body odor. It's thought to help neutralize odors from sweat and inhibit the growth of odor-causing bacteria.

  5. Wound Healing: Chlorophyll has been studied for its potential wound-healing properties. Some research suggests that it may help speed up the healing process and reduce inflammation when applied topically to wounds.

  6. Blood Health: Chlorophyll is structurally similar to hemoglobin, the molecule responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood. Some proponents believe that consuming chlorophyll may help improve blood oxygenation and circulation.

  7. Gut Health: Chlorophyll may have prebiotic properties, meaning it can help feed beneficial bacteria in the gut and promote a healthy microbiome. A healthy gut microbiome is essential for digestion, immunity, and overall well-being.

  8. Anti-inflammatory: Chlorophyll has shown anti-inflammatory properties in some studies, which may help reduce inflammation throughout the body and alleviate symptoms of inflammatory conditions.

It's important to note that while chlorophyll powder has many potential benefits, more research is needed to fully understand its effects on human health. Additionally, individual responses to chlorophyll supplementation may vary, and it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

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Herbal Diabetic Powder

Herbal Diabetic Powder
  • Herbal Diabetic Powder
  • Herbal Diabetic Powder
  • Herbal Diabetic Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 105 / PieceGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size100 gm
Packaging TypeBottle
Shelf Life18 months
Dosage1-2 spoon twice in a day before meal
Country of OriginMade in India

"Herbal diabetic powder" typically refers to a blend of herbs and natural ingredients that are believed to help manage blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes. These powders often contain a variety of plant-based ingredients known for their potential benefits in diabetes management. Here are some potential benefits associated with herbal diabetic powders:
1. **Blood Sugar Regulation**: Many herbs commonly included in herbal diabetic powders, such as bitter melon, fenugreek, cinnamon, and Gymnema sylvestre, have been studied for their ability to help regulate blood sugar levels. These herbs may work by improving insulin sensitivity, increasing glucose uptake by cells, and reducing the absorption of sugar in the digestive tract.
2. **Antioxidant Properties**: Some herbs found in diabetic powders, such as cinnamon, turmeric, and bitter melon, possess antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, which can contribute to inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which are linked to diabetes complications.
3. **Improvement in Insulin Sensitivity**: Certain herbs, including fenugreek and Gymnema sylvestre, have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity in some studies. This means they may help cells respond more effectively to insulin, the hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels.
4. **Weight Management**: Obesity and excess weight are risk factors for type 2 diabetes. Some herbal ingredients in diabetic powders, such as green tea extract and Garcinia cambogia, have been studied for their potential to support weight management by increasing metabolism and reducing appetite.
5. **Cardiovascular Health**: Diabetes increases the risk of cardiovascular complications such as heart disease and stroke. Some herbs commonly found in diabetic powders, such as cinnamon and garlic, may help support cardiovascular health by lowering cholesterol levels, reducing blood pressure, and improving blood vessel function.
6. **Anti-inflammatory Effects**: Chronic inflammation is associated with insulin resistance and diabetes complications. Certain herbs like turmeric and ginger possess anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce inflammation in the body and improve overall health in individuals with diabetes.
7. **Digestive Health**: Some herbs included in diabetic powders, such as fenugreek and aloe vera, may support digestive health and alleviate symptoms like bloating and constipation, which can be common in individuals with diabetes.
It's important to note that while herbal diabetic powders may offer potential benefits, they are not a substitute for medical treatment or a healthy lifestyle. Individuals with diabetes should consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating herbal supplements into their treatment plan, as they may interact with medications or have contraindications for certain medical conditions. Additionally, blood sugar levels should be monitored closely when using herbal diabetic powders, as they may affect glucose levels.
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Double Stem Cell Powder

Double Stem Cell Powder
  • Double Stem Cell Powder
  • Double Stem Cell Powder
  • Double Stem Cell Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 85 / BottleGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size100 gm
Packaging TypeBottle
Shelf life18 months
Dosage Form (If Applicable)1-2 spoon twice in a day before meal
Country of OriginMade in India

Double stem cell powder" typically refers to a supplement that claims to contain a combination of plant-based stem cells or stem cell extracts along with other ingredients. These products are marketed with various health claims, often suggesting benefits for overall health and well-being. However, it's crucial to approach such claims with caution and skepticism, as the scientific evidence supporting the efficacy and safety of these products may be limited or lacking.

That said, here are some of the purported benefits associated with double stem cell powder, as claimed by manufacturers and proponents:

  1. Regenerative Potential: One of the main claims associated with stem cell-based products is their supposed regenerative properties. Manufacturers often suggest that the stem cells or stem cell extracts in the powder may support the body's natural regenerative processes, potentially promoting tissue repair and rejuvenation.

  2. Anti-Aging Effects: Stem cells are sometimes associated with anti-aging benefits due to their alleged ability to promote tissue renewal and repair. Proponents claim that consuming double stem cell powder may help slow down the aging process, reduce wrinkles, and improve skin elasticity.

  3. Immune System Support: Some proponents suggest that the ingredients in double stem cell powder may help support the immune system, potentially enhancing the body's ability to defend against infections and diseases.

  4. Improved Energy and Vitality: Manufacturers often claim that consuming double stem cell powder can boost energy levels, improve vitality, and enhance overall well-being.

  5. Enhanced Cellular Health: Stem cells are fundamental to the body's cellular repair and regeneration processes. Proponents of double stem cell powder suggest that the product may help support cellular health and function, leading to improved overall health.

  6. Detoxification: Some formulations of double stem cell powder may contain ingredients believed to support detoxification processes in the body, helping to eliminate toxins and waste products.

  7. Joint Health: Stem cells are sometimes promoted for their potential to support joint health and mobility. Some proponents claim that double stem cell powder may help reduce joint pain and inflammation, although scientific evidence supporting this claim may be limited.

It's important to emphasize that the claims made about double stem cell powder often lack substantial scientific evidence to support them. While stem cell research holds promise for various medical applications, including regenerative medicine, the use of stem cells in dietary supplements is controversial and not widely accepted within the scientific and medical communities.

Before considering the use of double stem cell powder or any other supplement, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional. They can provide personalized advice based on individual health needs and help evaluate the potential risks and benefits of such products. Additionally, it's essential to be cautious of exaggerated or unsupported health claims and to prioritize evidence-based approaches to health and wellness

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Herbal Ginseng Powder

Herbal Ginseng Powder
  • Herbal Ginseng Powder
  • Herbal Ginseng Powder
  • Herbal Ginseng Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 75 / PieceGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Shelf Life18 months
Packaging Size100g
Dosage1-2 spoon twice in a day before meal
Country of OriginMade in India

Ginseng is a popular herb known for its potential health benefits, particularly in traditional Chinese medicine. Ginseng powder, made from the dried root of the ginseng plant, is used in various forms, including capsules, teas, and extracts. Here are some of the potential benefits associated with herbal ginseng powder:
1. **Increased Energy and Stamina**: Ginseng is often used as an adaptogen, a substance that helps the body adapt to stress and increases resilience. It may help boost energy levels, reduce fatigue, and improve physical endurance, making it beneficial for individuals experiencing tiredness or low energy levels.
2. **Improved Cognitive Function**: Ginseng has been studied for its potential to enhance cognitive function, including memory, focus, and mental clarity. Some research suggests that ginseng may help improve cognitive performance and protect against age-related cognitive decline.
3. **Stress Reduction**: Ginseng is believed to have adaptogenic properties, meaning it may help the body cope with stress and reduce the negative effects of stress on the body and mind. It may help promote feelings of calmness and relaxation, potentially reducing anxiety and improving overall well-being.
4. **Immune System Support**: Ginseng is thought to have immunomodulatory effects, meaning it can help regulate the immune system. It may stimulate the production of immune cells, enhance immune function, and increase resistance to infections and diseases.
5. **Antioxidant Properties**: Ginseng contains compounds called ginsenosides, which have antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, thus reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, and lowering the risk of chronic diseases.
6. **Heart Health**: Some research suggests that ginseng may have cardiovascular benefits, including lowering blood pressure, reducing cholesterol levels, and improving circulation. These effects may help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
7. **Enhanced Libido and Sexual Function**: Ginseng has been used traditionally as an aphrodisiac and to improve sexual function in both men and women. Some studies suggest that ginseng may help increase libido, improve erectile function in men with erectile dysfunction, and enhance sexual satisfaction.
8. **Blood Sugar Regulation**: Ginseng may have beneficial effects on blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity, making it potentially helpful for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing diabetes. It may help improve glucose metabolism and reduce insulin resistance.
9. **Anti-inflammatory Effects**: Ginseng has been studied for its potential anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce inflammation in the body and alleviate symptoms of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.
It's important to note that while ginseng powder has many potential benefits, individual responses may vary, and more research is needed to fully understand its effects on human health. Additionally, ginseng may interact with certain medications or have contraindications for certain medical conditions, so it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.
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Herbal Guggul Powder

Herbal Guggul Powder
  • Herbal Guggul Powder
  • Herbal Guggul Powder
  • Herbal Guggul Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 80 / PieceGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size100 gm
Packaging TypeBottle
Shelf life18 months
Dosage Form (If Applicable)1-2 spoon twice in a day before meal
Country of OriginMade in India

Guggul, also known as Commiphora wightii, is an herb widely used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for its various potential health benefits. Guggul powder, made from the resin of the guggul tree, is used in Ayurvedic formulations and supplements. Here are some of the potential benefits associated with herbal guggul powder:
1. **Cholesterol Management**: Guggul is believed to have lipid-lowering properties, making it potentially beneficial for managing cholesterol levels. It may help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglyceride levels while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol levels, thus reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.
2. **Anti-inflammatory Effects**: Guggul contains compounds with anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce inflammation in the body and alleviate symptoms of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, gout, and inflammatory bowel disease.
3. **Weight Management**: Some research suggests that guggul may help support weight loss and management. It may help increase metabolism, promote fat burning, and reduce body fat accumulation, making it potentially beneficial for individuals looking to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.
4. **Thyroid Health**: Guggul is believed to have thyroid-stimulating properties, making it potentially beneficial for individuals with hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid function. It may help increase the production of thyroid hormones, thus improving thyroid function and metabolism.
5. **Antioxidant Properties**: Guggul is rich in antioxidants, which help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. Antioxidants protect cells from oxidative stress and damage, thus reducing the risk of chronic diseases and supporting overall health.
6. **Anti-microbial Effects**: Guggul has been traditionally used for its antimicrobial properties, which may help fight off infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It may be beneficial for treating various infections, including respiratory infections, skin infections, and urinary tract infections.
7. **Liver Health**: Guggul is believed to have hepatoprotective properties, meaning it may help protect the liver from damage and support overall liver health. It may help improve liver function and reduce the risk of liver diseases such as fatty liver disease and liver cirrhosis.
8. **Blood Sugar Regulation**: Some research suggests that guggul may have beneficial effects on blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity, making it potentially helpful for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing diabetes.
9. **Digestive Health**: Guggul has been used traditionally to support digestive health and alleviate symptoms such as indigestion, bloating, and constipation. It may help stimulate digestion, improve nutrient absorption, and promote bowel regularity.
It's important to note that while guggul powder has many potential benefits, individual responses may vary, and more research is needed to fully understand its effects on human health. Additionally, guggul may interact with certain medications or have contraindications for certain medical conditions, so it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.
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Herbal Harsingar Powder

Herbal Harsingar Powder
  • Herbal Harsingar Powder
  • Herbal Harsingar Powder
  • Herbal Harsingar Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 75 / PieceGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size100 gm
Packaging TypeBottle
Shelf life18 months
Dosage Form (If Applicable)1-2 spoon twice in a day before meal
Country of OriginMade in India

Harsingar, also known as Nyctanthes arbor-tristis or the Night-flowering Jasmine, is a plant commonly used in traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda for its various health benefits. Harsingar powder, made from the leaves or flowers of the Harsingar plant, is used in herbal formulations and supplements. Here are some potential benefits associated with herbal Harsingar powder:
1. **Anti-inflammatory Properties**: Harsingar is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms associated with inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, rheumatism, and gout.
2. **Analgesic Effects**: Harsingar may have mild analgesic properties, meaning it may help relieve pain. It may be beneficial for individuals experiencing mild to moderate pain due to various conditions.
3. **Antioxidant Activity**: Harsingar contains compounds with antioxidant properties, which help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. Antioxidants protect cells from oxidative stress and damage, thus reducing the risk of chronic diseases and supporting overall health.
4. **Immune System Support**: Harsingar is believed to have immunomodulatory effects, meaning it may help regulate the immune system. It may stimulate the production and activity of immune cells, enhancing the body's defense mechanisms against infections and diseases.
5. **Respiratory Health**: Harsingar is traditionally used to support respiratory health and alleviate symptoms of respiratory conditions such as cough, cold, asthma, and bronchitis. It may help relieve congestion, soothe irritated airways, and promote easier breathing.
6. **Liver Health**: Some traditional uses of Harsingar include promoting liver health and supporting liver function. It may help detoxify the liver, improve liver function, and protect against liver damage caused by toxins and free radicals.
7. **Digestive Health**: Harsingar may help support digestive health by stimulating digestion, improving appetite, and relieving symptoms such as indigestion, bloating, and constipation. It may help promote bowel regularity and alleviate gastrointestinal discomfort.
8. **Antimicrobial Activity**: Harsingar has been traditionally used for its antimicrobial properties, which may help fight off infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It may be beneficial for treating various infections, including respiratory infections, skin infections, and urinary tract infections.
9. **Menstrual Health**: Harsingar is sometimes used to regulate menstrual cycles and alleviate symptoms associated with menstruation, such as cramps, bloating, and mood swings. It may help balance hormone levels and promote menstrual regularity.
It's important to note that while Harsingar powder has many potential benefits, scientific research on its efficacy and safety is limited. Additionally, individual responses may vary, and Harsingar may interact with certain medications or have contraindications for certain medical conditions. Therefore, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.
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Herbal Indigo Powder

Herbal Indigo Powder
  • Herbal Indigo Powder
  • Herbal Indigo Powder
  • Herbal Indigo Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 80 / PieceGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size100 gm
Shelf Life18 months
Dosage1-2 spoon twice in a day before meal
Country of OriginMade in India

Indigo powder, derived from the leaves of the indigo plant (Indigofera tinctoria), is often used as a natural dye for hair and fabric. While primarily known for its dyeing properties, indigo powder also has some potential benefits for hair and scalp health. Here are some of the benefits associated with herbal indigo powder:
1. **Natural Hair Coloring**: Indigo powder is commonly used as a natural alternative to chemical hair dyes. When mixed with henna powder, it can create various shades of brown and black hair color, depending on the proportions used and the individual's hair color.
2. **Adds Shine and Luster**: Indigo powder, when applied to the hair, can impart a natural shine and luster, leaving the hair looking healthier and more vibrant.
3. **Improves Hair Texture**: Regular use of indigo powder may help improve the texture of the hair, making it softer, smoother, and more manageable.
4. **Covers Gray Hair**: Indigo powder is often used to cover gray hairs naturally. When mixed with henna powder, it can effectively dye gray hairs, providing long-lasting coverage.
5. **Strengthens Hair**: Indigo powder contains nutrients and antioxidants that can help strengthen the hair follicles and reduce breakage, leading to healthier, stronger hair over time.
6. **Soothes Scalp Irritation**: Indigo powder has cooling and soothing properties that can help alleviate scalp irritation and itchiness. It may also help reduce dandruff and other scalp conditions when used regularly.
7. **Promotes Hair Growth**: While there is limited scientific evidence, some anecdotal reports suggest that indigo powder may help promote hair growth by stimulating blood circulation to the scalp and providing nutrients to the hair follicles.
8. **Natural Conditioning**: Indigo powder has natural conditioning properties that can help moisturize and nourish the hair, leaving it softer and more hydrated.
9. **Safe and Non-Toxic**: Unlike chemical hair dyes, which may contain harsh ingredients that can damage the hair and scalp, indigo powder is natural and safe to use. It does not contain any synthetic chemicals or additives, making it suitable for those with sensitive skin or allergies.
It's important to note that while indigo powder has many potential benefits for hair and scalp health, individual results may vary. Additionally, it's advisable to perform a patch test before using indigo powder to check for any allergic reactions or sensitivities. If you have any concerns or underlying scalp conditions, it's best to consult with a dermatologist or trichologist before using indigo powder or any other hair care product.
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Malt Extract Powder

Malt Extract Powder
  • Malt Extract Powder
  • Malt Extract Powder
  • Malt Extract Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 85 / PieceGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging TypeBottle
Shelf life18 months
Dosage Form (If Applicable)1-2 spoon twice in a day before meal
Pack Type100g
Country of OriginMade in India

Malt extract powder is a concentrated form of malted barley, a grain that has undergone the malting process, where it is soaked, germinated, and dried. This process converts the starches in barley into fermentable sugars, resulting in a sweet and flavorful extract. Malt extract powder is commonly used as a sweetener, flavoring agent, and nutritional supplement. Here are some potential benefits associated with malt extract powder:
1. **Nutritional Content**: Malt extract powder is rich in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, making it a nutritious addition to the diet. It contains B vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and folate, which play essential roles in energy metabolism, nerve function, and red blood cell production. It also provides minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus, which are important for bone health, muscle function, and electrolyte balance.
2. **Source of Carbohydrates**: Malt extract powder is a concentrated source of carbohydrates, primarily maltose and maltodextrin, which provide quick energy to the body. It can be used as a natural sweetener in beverages, baked goods, and other food products, offering a healthier alternative to refined sugars.
3. **Digestive Health**: Malt extract powder contains soluble fiber, which helps support digestive health by promoting regular bowel movements, preventing constipation, and improving gut health. The fiber content also helps regulate blood sugar levels and may contribute to satiety and weight management.
4. **Boosts Energy**: The carbohydrates in malt extract powder provide a readily available source of energy, making it a popular ingredient in energy drinks, sports beverages, and meal replacement shakes. Consuming malt extract powder before or during physical activity can help replenish glycogen stores and enhance endurance and performance.
5. **Supports Muscle Recovery**: Malt extract powder contains amino acids, including branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) like leucine, isoleucine, and valine, which are important for muscle repair and recovery. Consuming malt extract powder after exercise can help accelerate muscle recovery and reduce muscle soreness.
6. **Enhances Flavor and Texture**: Malt extract powder has a rich, sweet flavor with caramel undertones, which can enhance the taste of various food and beverage products. It also contributes to the texture and mouthfeel of foods, providing a smooth and creamy consistency.
7. **Promotes Nutrient Absorption**: The B vitamins in malt extract powder, particularly thiamine (vitamin B1), play a crucial role in carbohydrate metabolism and nutrient absorption. Consuming malt extract powder as part of a balanced diet can help ensure optimal nutrient uptake and utilization by the body.
8. **Natural Source of Antioxidants**: Malt extract powder contains antioxidants such as polyphenols and flavonoids, which help protect cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Antioxidants support overall health and may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
9. **Boosts Immune Function**: The vitamins and minerals in malt extract powder, particularly vitamin C and zinc, support immune function and help strengthen the body's natural defense mechanisms against infections and illnesses. Consuming malt extract powder regularly may help enhance immune health and reduce the risk of common colds and infections.
10. **Convenient and Versatile**: Malt extract powder is easy to use and versatile, making it a convenient option for adding flavor and nutrients to a wide range of food and beverage products. It can be dissolved in water, milk, or juice, added to smoothies, shakes, and baked goods, or used as a topping for cereals and desserts.
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Herbal Manjistha Powder

Herbal Manjistha Powder
  • Herbal Manjistha Powder
  • Herbal Manjistha Powder
  • Herbal Manjistha Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 80 / PieceGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size100 gm
Packaging TypeBottle
Shelf life18 months
Dosage Form (If Applicable)1-2 spoon twice in a day before meal
Country of OriginMade in India

Manjistha, scientifically known as Rubia cordifolia, is a prominent herb in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. The root of the Manjistha plant is used to produce herbal powder. Here are some potential benefits associated with herbal Manjistha powder:
1. **Blood Purification**: Manjistha is widely regarded in Ayurveda for its blood-purifying properties. It is believed to help eliminate toxins from the blood and lymphatic system, thereby supporting overall detoxification and promoting clearer skin.
2. **Skin Health**: Manjistha is often used to promote healthy skin due to its ability to purify the blood and support liver function. Regular consumption of Manjistha powder may help alleviate various skin conditions such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis.
3. **Anti-inflammatory Effects**: Manjistha possesses potent anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation in the body. It may be beneficial for individuals suffering from inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, gout, and inflammatory bowel disease.
4. **Antioxidant Activity**: Manjistha contains compounds with antioxidant properties, such as flavonoids and tannins, which help neutralize free radicals and protect cells from oxidative damage. Antioxidants play a crucial role in preventing premature aging and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
5. **Supports Liver Health**: Manjistha is believed to have hepatoprotective properties, meaning it can help protect the liver from damage and support liver function. It may aid in liver detoxification processes and promote optimal liver health.
6. **Urinary Tract Health**: Manjistha is traditionally used to support urinary tract health and alleviate symptoms of urinary tract infections. It may help cleanse the urinary system and reduce inflammation in the urinary tract.
7. **Menstrual Health**: Manjistha is often recommended for women to support menstrual health. It may help regulate menstrual cycles, alleviate menstrual cramps, and reduce excessive menstrual bleeding.
8. **Lymphatic Support**: Manjistha is considered a lymphatic tonic in Ayurveda, meaning it helps support the proper functioning of the lymphatic system. It may help improve lymphatic circulation, reduce swelling, and promote the removal of waste products from the body.
9. **Joint Health**: Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, Manjistha may help alleviate joint pain and stiffness associated with conditions like arthritis and rheumatism. It may also support joint mobility and flexibility.
10. **Digestive Health**: Manjistha is believed to support digestive health by promoting healthy digestion, reducing inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, and alleviating symptoms of digestive disorders such as indigestion, bloating, and constipation.
It's important to note that while Manjistha powder has many potential benefits, individual responses may vary, and more research is needed to fully understand its effects on human health. Additionally, it's essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new herbal supplement regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding.
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Herbal Moringa Powder

Herbal Moringa Powder
  • Herbal Moringa Powder
  • Herbal Moringa Powder
  • Herbal Moringa Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 75 / PieceGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size100 gm
Packaging TypeBottle
Shelf life18 months
Dosage Form (If Applicable)1-2 spoon twice in a day before meal
Country of OriginMade in India

Moringa powder is derived from the leaves of the Moringa oleifera tree, which is native to parts of Africa and Asia. It is often touted as a superfood due to its rich nutritional profile and potential health benefits. Here are some of the benefits associated with herbal moringa powder:
1. **Nutrient-Rich**: Moringa powder is packed with essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, B vitamins (including B6 and B12), iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. It is a potent source of nutrition, providing a wide array of essential nutrients necessary for overall health and well-being.
2. **Antioxidant Properties**: Moringa powder is rich in antioxidants, such as flavonoids, polyphenols, and vitamin C, which help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. Antioxidants protect cells from oxidative damage and reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
3. **Anti-inflammatory Effects**: Moringa powder contains compounds with anti-inflammatory properties, such as isothiocyanates and flavonoids, which help reduce inflammation in the body. It may be beneficial for individuals suffering from inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, asthma, and inflammatory bowel disease.
4. **Supports Immune Function**: The vitamins and minerals in moringa powder, particularly vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc, support immune function and help strengthen the body's natural defense mechanisms against infections and illnesses. Regular consumption of moringa powder may help enhance immune health and reduce the risk of common colds and infections.
5. **Promotes Digestive Health**: Moringa powder is rich in fiber, which helps promote healthy digestion and regular bowel movements. It may help alleviate constipation, bloating, and other digestive issues by supporting gastrointestinal motility and maintaining gut health.
6. **Energy Boost**: Moringa powder is a natural energy booster due to its high content of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It helps combat fatigue, improve stamina, and increase energy levels, making it a popular supplement for individuals leading active lifestyles or experiencing fatigue and lethargy.
7. **Blood Sugar Regulation**: Some studies suggest that moringa powder may help regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, making it beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing diabetes. It may help lower blood glucose levels and reduce insulin resistance.
8. **Heart Health**: Moringa powder may help promote heart health by lowering cholesterol levels, reducing blood pressure, and improving cardiovascular function. It contains compounds like quercetin, chlorogenic acid, and beta-sitosterol, which support heart health and reduce the risk of heart disease.
9. **Anti-Aging Benefits**: The antioxidants in moringa powder help protect against oxidative stress and damage, which can accelerate the aging process and contribute to the development of age-related diseases. Regular consumption of moringa powder may help maintain youthful skin, hair, and overall vitality.
10. **Supports Brain Health**: Moringa powder contains nutrients that support brain health and cognitive function, including vitamin E, vitamin B6, and antioxidants. It may help improve memory, focus, and mental clarity, and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
It's important to note that while moringa powder offers many potential benefits, individual responses may vary, and more research is needed to fully understand its effects on human health. Additionally, it's essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding.
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Multani Mitti Powder

Multani Mitti Powder
  • Multani Mitti Powder
  • Multani Mitti Powder
  • Multani Mitti Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 75 / PieceGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size100 gm
Packaging TypeBottle
Shelf Life18 months
Dosage18 months
Country of OriginMade in India

Multani Mitti, also known as Fuller's Earth, is a natural clay material that has been used for centuries in skincare and hair care routines. It is rich in minerals like magnesium, silica, calcium, iron, and quartz, which give it various beneficial properties. Here are some of the potential benefits associated with Multani Mitti powder:
1. **Absorbs Excess Oil**: Multani Mitti has excellent absorbent properties, making it effective in soaking up excess oil and sebum from the skin's surface. This can help reduce shine and mattify oily skin, making it suitable for people with oily or combination skin types.
2. **Deep Cleansing**: Multani Mitti acts as a natural cleanser and exfoliator, removing dirt, impurities, and dead skin cells from the skin's surface. It helps unclog pores, prevent acne breakouts, and promote clearer, smoother skin.
3. **Tightens Pores**: The astringent properties of Multani Mitti help tighten and shrink enlarged pores, giving the skin a smoother and more refined appearance. Regular use of Multani Mitti can help minimize the appearance of pores and improve overall skin texture.
4. **Soothes Irritation**: Multani Mitti has cooling and soothing properties that help calm inflammation, irritation, and redness on the skin. It can be used to alleviate discomfort caused by sunburn, rashes, insect bites, and allergic reactions.
5. **Controls Acne**: Multani Mitti is beneficial for acne-prone skin due to its ability to absorb excess oil, unclog pores, and reduce inflammation. It helps dry out acne lesions, prevent new breakouts, and promote faster healing of existing pimples.
6. **Lightens Skin Tone**: Multani Mitti has skin-lightening properties that help even out skin tone and reduce the appearance of dark spots, blemishes, and hyperpigmentation. Regular use of Multani Mitti can help achieve a brighter, more radiant complexion.
7. **Exfoliates Dead Skin**: Multani Mitti acts as a gentle exfoliant, helping to slough off dead skin cells and promote cell turnover. This reveals fresher, healthier-looking skin underneath and can improve the skin's overall texture and appearance.
8. **Removes Tan**: Multani Mitti is effective in removing tan and lightening sun-damaged skin. It helps remove dead skin cells and melanin buildup, revealing brighter and more even-toned skin.
9. **Hair Care Benefits**: Multani Mitti can also be used on the scalp and hair to absorb excess oil, remove dandruff, and promote scalp health. It helps cleanse the scalp, unclog hair follicles, and balance oil production, leaving the hair feeling clean and refreshed.
10. **Natural Face Mask Base**: Multani Mitti serves as an excellent base for homemade face masks, as it can be easily mixed with other natural ingredients such as rose water, yogurt, honey, or essential oils to enhance its benefits for specific skin concerns.
It's important to note that while Multani Mitti offers many potential benefits for the skin and hair, individual responses may vary, and it may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with dry or sensitive skin. It's advisable to perform a patch test before using Multani Mitti and consult with a dermatologist if you have any concerns or underlying skin conditions. Additionally, it's essential to use Multani Mitti in moderation and avoid overusing it, as excessive drying or stripping of the skin's natural oils can lead to irritation or other issues.
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Multi Herb Powder

Multi Herb Powder
  • Multi Herb Powder
  • Multi Herb Powder
  • Multi Herb Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 80 / PieceGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size100 gm
Packaging TypeBottle
Shelf life18 months
Dosage Form (If Applicable)1-2 spoon twice in a day before meal
Country of OriginMade in India

Multi-herb powders typically contain a blend of various herbs, each chosen for its unique properties and potential health benefits. The specific benefits of a multi-herb powder will depend on the ingredients included in the blend. However, here are some general potential benefits associated with multi-herb powders:
1. **Comprehensive Nutritional Support**: Multi-herb powders often contain a wide range of herbs, each rich in different vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds. This comprehensive blend provides holistic nutritional support to the body, addressing various health needs and promoting overall well-being.
2. **Enhanced Bioavailability**: Certain herbs included in multi-herb powders may help enhance the absorption and bioavailability of nutrients from other foods and supplements. For example, black pepper extract (piperine) is often added to enhance the absorption of curcumin from turmeric.
3. **Adaptogenic Properties**: Many herbs included in multi-herb powders possess adaptogenic properties, meaning they help the body adapt to stress and maintain balance. Adaptogens can support the body's ability to cope with physical, mental, and emotional stressors, promoting resilience and overall vitality.
4. **Immune Support**: Some herbs in multi-herb powders have immune-stimulating or immune-modulating properties, which can help strengthen the immune system and enhance its ability to fight off infections and illnesses. Regular consumption of these herbs may help support immune function and reduce the risk of infections.
5. **Anti-inflammatory Effects**: Several herbs included in multi-herb powders have potent anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is linked to various health conditions, including heart disease, arthritis, and autoimmune disorders. Multi-herb powders containing anti-inflammatory herbs may help alleviate inflammation and promote overall health.
6. **Antioxidant Protection**: Many herbs included in multi-herb powders are rich in antioxidants, which help neutralize harmful free radicals and protect cells from oxidative damage. Antioxidants support overall health and may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including cancer, heart disease, and neurodegenerative disorders.
7. **Digestive Health**: Some herbs in multi-herb powders have digestive properties that support gastrointestinal health. These herbs may help improve digestion, relieve indigestion, bloating, and gas, and promote a healthy gut microbiome.
8. **Energy and Vitality**: Certain herbs included in multi-herb powders are known for their energizing and revitalizing properties. They may help boost energy levels, enhance mental clarity and focus, and combat fatigue and lethargy.
9. **Hormonal Balance**: Multi-herb powders containing adaptogenic herbs may help support hormonal balance by regulating the production and activity of various hormones in the body. They may be particularly beneficial for women experiencing hormonal imbalances related to menstruation, menopause, or other factors.
10. **Stress Relief and Mood Support**: Some herbs included in multi-herb powders have calming and mood-enhancing effects, helping to reduce stress, anxiety, and promote relaxation. These herbs may help improve mood, mental well-being, and overall quality of life.
It's important to note that the specific benefits of a multi-herb powder will vary depending on the ingredients used and their concentrations. Additionally, individual responses to herbal supplements may vary, and it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding.
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Muscle Gainer Powder

Muscle Gainer Powder
  • Muscle Gainer Powder
  • Muscle Gainer Powder
  • Muscle Gainer Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 250 / PieceGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Shelf Life18 Months
UsagesTo help individuals gain muscle mass and size
Dosage1-2 spoon twice in a day before meal
Packing Size100g
Country of OriginMade in India

Muscle gainer powders, also known as weight gainers or mass gainers, are supplements designed to help individuals increase muscle mass and overall body weight. They typically contain a blend of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that support muscle growth and recovery. Here are some potential benefits associated with muscle gainer powders:
1. **Caloric Surplus**: Muscle gainer powders provide a convenient way to consume a significant number of calories in a single serving, helping individuals achieve a caloric surplus necessary for muscle growth and weight gain. They are particularly beneficial for individuals who have difficulty consuming enough calories through whole foods alone.
2. **Muscle Growth**: Muscle gainer powders typically contain high-quality proteins, such as whey protein, casein protein, or a blend of different protein sources. These proteins provide the essential amino acids necessary for muscle protein synthesis, promoting muscle growth and repair after exercise.
3. **Increased Strength**: Consuming muscle gainer powders alongside a structured resistance training program can help increase muscle strength and power. The combination of protein, carbohydrates, and other nutrients supports optimal recovery and adaptation to training, leading to improvements in strength and performance.
4. **Convenience**: Muscle gainer powders offer a convenient and portable option for individuals looking to increase their calorie and nutrient intake on the go. They can be easily mixed with water, milk, or other beverages and consumed as a quick meal or snack between meals.
5. **Post-Workout Recovery**: The carbohydrates and proteins in muscle gainer powders help replenish glycogen stores and promote muscle recovery after intense exercise. Consuming a muscle gainer shake post-workout can help reduce muscle soreness, accelerate recovery, and maximize training adaptations.
6. **Weight Gain**: Muscle gainer powders are an effective tool for individuals looking to gain weight, particularly muscle mass. By providing a combination of calories from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, they support healthy weight gain and muscle development.
7. **Enhanced Nutrient Intake**: Muscle gainer powders often contain vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients that support overall health and well-being. They help fill nutrient gaps in the diet, ensuring that individuals have an adequate intake of essential nutrients necessary for optimal physical performance and recovery.
8. **Appetite Stimulation**: Some individuals may struggle to consume enough food to support muscle growth and weight gain, especially those with a fast metabolism or low appetite. Muscle gainer powders can help stimulate appetite and make it easier to meet daily calorie and nutrient needs.
9. **Customizable Nutrition**: Muscle gainer powders come in various formulations and flavors, allowing individuals to choose a product that meets their specific nutritional preferences and dietary requirements. They can also be customized by adding ingredients like fruits, nut butter, or oats to tailor the macronutrient content to individual needs.
10. **Supports Overall Health**: While the primary goal of muscle gainer powders is to support muscle growth and weight gain, they also provide essential nutrients that support overall health, including immune function, bone health, and cardiovascular health.
It's important to note that while muscle gainer powders can be a valuable supplement for individuals looking to build muscle and gain weight, they should be used as part of a balanced diet and comprehensive training program. Additionally, individuals should choose products that are appropriate for their specific goals, dietary preferences, and nutritional needs. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before starting any new supplement regimen, 
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Herbal Neem Powder

Herbal Neem Powder
  • Herbal Neem Powder
  • Herbal Neem Powder
  • Herbal Neem Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 60 / PieceGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size100 gm
Packaging TypeBottle
Shelf life18 months
Dosage Form (If Applicable)1-2 spoon twice in a day before meal
Country of OriginMade in India

Neem, scientifically known as Azadirachta indica, is a versatile herb with a long history of use in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. Neem powder is made from dried neem leaves and is valued for its various health and skincare benefits. Here are some potential benefits associated with herbal neem powder:
1. **Antibacterial Properties**: Neem powder contains compounds such as nimbin, nimbidin, and gedunin, which exhibit strong antibacterial properties. It helps combat bacteria responsible for various infections, including acne, skin infections, and oral infections.
2. **Antifungal Effects**: Neem powder has antifungal properties that help inhibit the growth of fungi, including Candida albicans, which can cause yeast infections such as oral thrush and vaginal candidiasis.
3. **Antioxidant Activity**: Neem powder is rich in antioxidants, including flavonoids, triterpenoids, and vitamin C, which help neutralize harmful free radicals and protect cells from oxidative damage. Antioxidants support overall health and may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
4. **Skin Health**: Neem powder is beneficial for various skin conditions due to its antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps treat acne by reducing inflammation, controlling oil production, and preventing bacterial growth. Neem powder is also used to soothe and heal wounds, eczema, psoriasis, and other inflammatory skin conditions.
5. **Supports Oral Health**: Neem powder is commonly used in oral care products such as toothpaste and mouthwash due to its antibacterial properties. It helps prevent dental plaque, gingivitis, and cavities by inhibiting the growth of bacteria in the mouth.
6. **Anti-inflammatory Effects**: Neem powder has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation and soothe irritated skin and tissues. It may be beneficial for individuals suffering from inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, dermatitis, and gastrointestinal disorders.
7. **Immune Support**: Neem powder supports immune function and helps strengthen the body's natural defense mechanisms against infections and diseases. Regular consumption of neem powder may help boost immunity and reduce the risk of infections.
8. **Detoxification**: Neem powder has detoxifying properties that help cleanse the blood, liver, and kidneys. It aids in the removal of toxins and impurities from the body, promoting overall detoxification and improving organ function.
9. **Hair Care**: Neem powder is used in hair care products such as shampoos and hair masks due to its ability to promote scalp health and stimulate hair growth. It helps treat dandruff, scalp infections, and hair loss by nourishing the scalp, improving blood circulation, and preventing microbial growth.
10. **Insect Repellent**: Neem powder is a natural insect repellent that helps repel mosquitoes, flies, and other insects. It can be used topically on the skin or added to lotions and sprays to deter insects and prevent insect bites.
It's important to note that while neem powder offers many potential benefits, individual responses may vary, and it may not be suitable for everyone. Neem powder should be used with caution, especially by pregnant or breastfeeding women and individuals with underlying health conditions. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or dermatologist before using neem powder, especially if you have sensitive skin or allergies.
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Herbal Orange Powder

Herbal Orange Powder
  • Herbal Orange Powder
  • Herbal Orange Powder
  • Herbal Orange Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 70 / PieceGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Shelf Life18 months
Dosage1-2 spoon twice in a day before meal
Pack Typebottle
Pack Size100g
Country of OriginMade in India

Herbal orange powder is made from dried orange peels and is valued for its potential health benefits. Here are some of the potential benefits associated with herbal orange powder:
1. **Rich in Vitamin C**: Oranges are well-known for their high vitamin C content, and herbal orange powder retains this nutrient. Vitamin C is an essential antioxidant that supports immune function, promotes collagen synthesis for healthy skin, and helps protect cells from oxidative damage.
2. **Antioxidant Properties**: Herbal orange powder contains flavonoids, carotenoids, and other antioxidants that help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. Antioxidants support overall health and may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
3. **Digestive Health**: Orange peel contains dietary fiber, including soluble and insoluble fiber, which promotes digestive health. Fiber helps regulate bowel movements, prevent constipation, and support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.
4. **Weight Management**: The fiber content in herbal orange powder can help promote satiety and reduce appetite, making it beneficial for weight management. Additionally, the antioxidants in orange peel may help reduce inflammation and support metabolic health.
5. **Cardiovascular Health**: Some studies suggest that the flavonoids and polyphenols in orange peel may help promote cardiovascular health by lowering cholesterol levels, reducing blood pressure, and improving blood vessel function. These compounds support heart health and may reduce the risk of heart disease.
6. **Anti-inflammatory Effects**: Orange peel contains compounds with anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce inflammation in the body and alleviate symptoms of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, asthma, and inflammatory bowel disease.
7. **Skin Health**: Herbal orange powder may be beneficial for skin health due to its vitamin C content and antioxidant properties. Vitamin C promotes collagen production, which helps maintain skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Antioxidants protect the skin from oxidative damage and support overall skin health.
8. **Oral Health**: Orange peel contains compounds that help promote oral health and freshen breath. It has antibacterial properties that help inhibit the growth of oral bacteria responsible for plaque formation, gingivitis, and bad breath.
9. **Liver Health**: Some research suggests that orange peel extract may help support liver health by promoting detoxification and protecting liver cells from damage. The antioxidants in orange peel help neutralize toxins and free radicals that can harm liver function.
10. **Natural Flavoring**: Herbal orange powder can be used as a natural flavoring agent in various food and beverage products. It adds a citrusy flavor and aroma to dishes, smoothies, teas, and desserts, enhancing their taste and nutritional value.
It's important to note that while herbal orange powder offers many potential benefits, individual responses may vary, and more research is needed to fully understand its effects on human health. Additionally, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating herbal supplements into your diet, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding.
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Herbal Piles Powder

Herbal Piles Powder
  • Herbal Piles Powder
  • Herbal Piles Powder
  • Herbal Piles Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 75 / PieceGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size100 gm
Packaging TypeBottle
Dosage1-2 spoon twice in a day before meal
Country of OriginMade in India

Herbal piles powder, also known as hemorrhoids powder, is a natural remedy made from a blend of herbs that are traditionally used to support the management of hemorrhoids or piles. Here are some potential benefits associated with herbal piles powder:
1. **Relief from Pain and Discomfort**: Herbal piles powder may contain ingredients with analgesic properties that help alleviate pain, itching, and discomfort associated with hemorrhoids. These herbs can help soothe the affected area and provide relief from symptoms.
2. **Reduced Inflammation**: Many herbs used in piles powder formulations have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce swelling and inflammation around the anal area. By decreasing inflammation, herbal piles powder may help alleviate symptoms such as pain, swelling, and irritation.
3. **Improved Blood Circulation**: Some herbs included in piles powder formulations are believed to support healthy blood circulation, which can be beneficial for reducing the swelling and discomfort associated with hemorrhoids. Improved blood flow to the affected area may aid in the healing process.
4. **Promotion of Healing**: Certain herbs in piles powder formulations may have wound-healing properties that help promote the healing of damaged tissues and blood vessels in the anal area. This can accelerate the recovery process and reduce the duration of symptoms.
5. **Prevention of Infection**: Herbal piles powder may contain ingredients with antimicrobial properties that help prevent infection in the anal area. By inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria or fungi, these herbs can help reduce the risk of secondary infections and promote faster healing.
6. **Softening of Stools**: Some herbs included in piles powder formulations have mild laxative effects or help soften stools, making bowel movements easier and less painful for individuals with hemorrhoids. This can help prevent further irritation and strain during defecation.
7. **Support for Digestive Health**: Certain herbs used in piles powder formulations may support overall digestive health by promoting regular bowel movements, relieving constipation, and reducing gastrointestinal discomfort. A healthy digestive system can help prevent the development or exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
8. **Reduction of Bleeding**: Herbal piles powder may help reduce bleeding associated with hemorrhoids by strengthening blood vessels and reducing inflammation. By improving vascular health and reducing pressure on the hemorrhoidal veins, these herbs can minimize bleeding during bowel movements.
9. **Relaxation of Anal Muscles**: Some herbs in piles powder formulations have muscle-relaxant properties that help relax the muscles around the anus, reducing tension and discomfort. This can ease symptoms such as pain, itching, and spasms associated with hemorrhoids.
10. **Natural Alternative**: Herbal piles powder offers a natural and holistic approach to managing hemorrhoids, providing relief from symptoms without the potential side effects of conventional medications. These herbal remedies are generally safe and well-tolerated, making them suitable for long-term use.
It's important to note that while herbal piles powder may offer potential benefits for managing hemorrhoids, individual responses may vary, and more research is needed to fully understand its efficacy and safety. Additionally, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using any herbal remedy, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding.
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Herbal Posrasis Powder

Herbal Posrasis Powder
  • Herbal Posrasis Powder
  • Herbal Posrasis Powder
  • Herbal Posrasis Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 85 / PieceGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size100 gm
Packaging TypeBottle
Shelf life18 months
Dosage Form (If Applicable)1-2 spoon twice in a day before meal
Country of OriginMade in India

It seems like you meant "Herbal Psoriasis Powder". Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that affects the skin, causing red, itchy, and scaly patches. While there isn't a cure for psoriasis, certain herbal remedies may help manage symptoms and improve skin health. Here are some potential benefits associated with herbal psoriasis powder:
1. **Anti-inflammatory Effects**: Herbal psoriasis powder may contain ingredients with anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation and redness associated with psoriasis. These herbs can help alleviate itching, pain, and discomfort caused by inflamed skin patches.
2. **Skin Healing**: Some herbs in psoriasis powder formulations have wound-healing properties that help promote the repair and regeneration of damaged skin tissues. By supporting skin healing processes, these herbs may help improve the appearance and texture of psoriatic lesions.
3. **Moisturizing**: Certain herbs included in psoriasis powder formulations have moisturizing properties that help hydrate dry and flaky skin associated with psoriasis. Regular use of herbal powders can help maintain skin moisture levels and prevent excessive dryness and scaling.
4. **Antioxidant Protection**: Many herbs used in psoriasis powder formulations are rich in antioxidants, which help neutralize harmful free radicals and protect skin cells from oxidative damage. Antioxidants support overall skin health and may help reduce the risk of flare-ups in psoriasis.
5. **Immune Modulation**: Some herbs may have immune-modulating properties that help regulate the immune system's response, which is dysregulated in psoriasis. By balancing immune function, these herbs may help reduce inflammation and prevent autoimmune reactions that trigger psoriatic flare-ups.
6. **Antibacterial and Antifungal Effects**: Herbal psoriasis powder may contain ingredients with antibacterial and antifungal properties that help prevent secondary infections in psoriatic lesions. By inhibiting the growth of harmful microorganisms, these herbs can promote faster healing and reduce the risk of complications.
7. **Reduction of Itching**: Certain herbs included in psoriasis powder formulations have soothing and anti-itch properties that help relieve itching and irritation associated with psoriasis. These herbs can help calm inflamed skin and provide relief from persistent itching.
8. **Reduction of Scaling**: Herbal psoriasis powder may help reduce scaling and flaking of the skin by promoting exfoliation and cell turnover. Some herbs contain natural exfoliants or keratolytic agents that help remove dead skin cells and prevent the buildup of scales.
9. **Stress Reduction**: Certain herbs included in psoriasis powder formulations may have adaptogenic properties that help reduce stress and anxiety, which are known triggers for psoriasis flare-ups. By promoting relaxation and stress relief, these herbs may help prevent exacerbations of psoriasis.
10. **Natural Alternative**: Herbal psoriasis powder offers a natural and holistic approach to managing psoriasis symptoms, providing relief without the potential side effects of conventional medications. These herbal remedies are generally safe and well-tolerated, making them suitable for long-term use.
It's important to note that while herbal psoriasis powder may offer potential benefits for managing psoriasis, individual responses may vary, and more research is needed to fully understand its efficacy and safety. Additionally, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using any herbal remedy, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding.
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Herbal Rose Powder

Herbal Rose Powder
  • Herbal Rose Powder
  • Herbal Rose Powder
  • Herbal Rose Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 75 / PackGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size100 gm
Packaging TypeBottle
Shelf life18 months
Dosage Form (If Applicable)1-2 spoon twice in a day before meal
Country of OriginMade in India

Herbal rose powder is made from dried rose petals and is valued for its various health and skincare benefits. Here are some potential benefits associated with herbal rose powder:
1. **Skin Hydration**: Rose powder has moisturizing properties that help hydrate the skin, making it suitable for individuals with dry or dehydrated skin. It helps lock in moisture, leaving the skin soft, supple, and smooth.
2. **Anti-inflammatory Effects**: Rose powder contains anti-inflammatory compounds that help reduce inflammation and redness in the skin. It can soothe irritated skin, alleviate itching, and provide relief from inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
3. **Antioxidant Protection**: Herbal rose powder is rich in antioxidants, including vitamin C and flavonoids, which help neutralize harmful free radicals and protect the skin from oxidative damage. Antioxidants support skin health and may help reduce the signs of aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots.
4. **Skin Brightening**: Rose powder has skin-brightening properties that help even out skin tone and promote a radiant complexion. Regular use of rose powder can help reduce the appearance of pigmentation, dark spots, and discoloration, resulting in brighter and more luminous skin.
5. **Anti-aging Benefits**: The antioxidants in rose powder help combat the effects of environmental stressors and UV radiation, which contribute to premature aging of the skin. Rose powder may help minimize the appearance of wrinkles, improve skin elasticity, and promote a more youthful complexion.
6. **Gentle Exfoliation**: Rose powder has mild exfoliating properties that help remove dead skin cells and unclog pores, resulting in smoother and clearer skin. It promotes cell turnover, revealing fresher and brighter skin underneath.
7. **Astringent Properties**: Rose powder acts as a natural astringent, helping to tighten and tone the skin. It helps reduce the size of pores, control excess oil production, and prevent acne breakouts, making it suitable for oily and acne-prone skin types.
8. **Calming and Soothing**: Rose powder has a calming and soothing effect on the skin, making it ideal for sensitive or irritated skin. It helps reduce redness, inflammation, and discomfort, providing relief from conditions such as sunburn or razor burn.
9. **Hair Care**: Rose powder can be used in hair care products to nourish and condition the hair and scalp. It helps strengthen hair follicles, promote hair growth, and improve the overall health and appearance of the hair.
10. **Aromatherapy Benefits**: The fragrance of roses has aromatherapy benefits that help promote relaxation, reduce stress, and uplift the mood. Incorporating rose powder into skincare or bath products can enhance the sensory experience and promote overall well-being.
It's important to note that while herbal rose powder offers many potential benefits for skin and hair health, individual responses may vary, and it may not be suitable for everyone. It's advisable to perform a patch test before using rose powder topically, especially if you have sensitive skin or allergies. Additionally, choose high-quality rose powder from reputable sources to ensure purity and efficacy.
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Safed Musli Powder

Safed Musli Powder
  • Safed Musli Powder
  • Safed Musli Powder
  • Safed Musli Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 80 / PieceGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging TypeBottle
Packaging Size100 gm
Shelf life18 months
Dosage1-2 spoon twice in a day before meal
Country of OriginMade in India

Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum) is a medicinal plant native to India and widely used in Ayurvedic medicine for its various health benefits. Safed Musli powder, made from the dried roots of the plant, is valued for its potential therapeutic properties. Here are some of the benefits associated with Safed Musli powder:
1. **Aphrodisiac Properties**: Safed Musli is well-known for its aphrodisiac effects, which help enhance sexual desire, libido, and performance in both men and women. It is often used as a natural remedy for sexual disorders such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and low libido.
2. **Improved Sexual Function**: Safed Musli powder may help improve sexual function by increasing testosterone levels, improving blood circulation to the genital organs, and enhancing sperm quality and motility. It may also help alleviate symptoms of sexual dysfunction and enhance overall sexual satisfaction.
3. **Fertility Enhancement**: Safed Musli is believed to have fertility-enhancing properties and is often used as a natural remedy for infertility in both men and women. It may help improve sperm count, motility, and morphology in men, and regulate menstrual cycles and promote ovulation in women.
4. **Energy and Vitality**: Safed Musli is known to increase energy levels, stamina, and vitality. It helps combat fatigue, weakness, and lethargy, promoting overall physical and mental well-being. Regular consumption of Safed Musli powder may help boost energy levels and improve endurance and performance.
5. **Adaptogenic Effects**: Safed Musli exhibits adaptogenic properties, meaning it helps the body adapt to stress and maintain homeostasis. It may help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, promoting a sense of calmness and relaxation.
6. **Immune Support**: Safed Musli powder contains antioxidants and immunomodulatory compounds that help strengthen the immune system and enhance immune function. It may help protect the body against infections, viruses, and other pathogens.
7. **Anti-inflammatory Effects**: Safed Musli has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation and alleviate pain and discomfort associated with inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, rheumatism, and joint stiffness.
8. **Digestive Health**: Safed Musli powder is beneficial for digestive health and may help improve digestion, relieve constipation, and alleviate gastrointestinal discomfort. It aids in the absorption of nutrients and promotes gastrointestinal motility.
9. **Bone Health**: Safed Musli contains minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for bone health and strength. Regular consumption of Safed Musli powder may help maintain bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.
10. **Antioxidant Protection**: Safed Musli powder is rich in antioxidants, which help neutralize harmful free radicals and protect cells from oxidative damage. Antioxidants support overall health and may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
It's important to note that while Safed Musli powder offers many potential benefits, individual responses may vary, and it may not be suitable for everyone. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using Safed Musli powder, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding. Additionally, choose high-quality Safed Musli powder from reputable sources to ensure purity and efficacy.
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Herbal Shatavari Powder

Herbal Shatavari Powder
  • Herbal Shatavari Powder
  • Herbal Shatavari Powder
  • Herbal Shatavari Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 75 / PackGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size100 gm
Packaging TypeBottle
Shelf life18 months
Dosage Form (If Applicable)1-2 spoon twice in a day before meal
Country of OriginMade in India

Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) is a popular herb in Ayurvedic medicine, known for its wide range of health benefits, particularly for women's health. Shatavari powder is made from the dried roots of the Shatavari plant and is valued for its therapeutic properties. Here are some of the benefits associated with herbal Shatavari powder:
1. **Hormonal Balance**: Shatavari is considered an adaptogenic herb, meaning it helps the body adapt to stress and maintain hormonal balance. It is particularly beneficial for women's hormonal health, as it supports the normal functioning of the female reproductive system.
2. **Menstrual Health**: Shatavari is commonly used to regulate menstrual cycles and alleviate menstrual disorders such as irregular periods, heavy bleeding, and menstrual cramps. It helps balance hormone levels and promotes a healthy menstrual flow.
3. **Fertility Support**: Shatavari is believed to have fertility-enhancing properties and is often used as a natural remedy to improve reproductive health and enhance fertility in both men and women. It may help increase sperm count and motility in men and regulate ovulation and enhance egg quality in women.
4. **PMS Relief**: Shatavari powder may help relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), such as mood swings, irritability, bloating, and breast tenderness. It has a calming effect on the nervous system and helps balance mood and emotions during the menstrual cycle.
5. **Menopausal Support**: Shatavari is beneficial for women experiencing menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and mood swings. It helps alleviate discomfort associated with hormonal fluctuations during menopause and supports overall well-being.
6. **Digestive Health**: Shatavari powder is beneficial for digestive health and helps improve digestion, relieve acidity, and alleviate gastrointestinal discomfort. It has a cooling and soothing effect on the digestive system, making it suitable for individuals with digestive issues such as gastritis and acid reflux.
7. **Immune Boosting**: Shatavari is known to strengthen the immune system and enhance immune function, helping the body resist infections, viruses, and other pathogens. It supports overall immune health and helps protect against illness and disease.
8. **Anti-inflammatory Effects**: Shatavari has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation and alleviate pain and discomfort associated with inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, rheumatism, and joint stiffness.
9. **Stress Relief**: Shatavari has adaptogenic properties that help reduce stress, anxiety, and nervousness. It promotes a sense of calmness and relaxation and supports emotional well-being during times of stress or tension.
10. **Antioxidant Protection**: Shatavari powder is rich in antioxidants, which help neutralize harmful free radicals and protect cells from oxidative damage. Antioxidants support overall health and may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
It's important to note that while Shatavari powder offers many potential benefits, individual responses may vary, and it may not be suitable for everyone. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using Shatavari powder, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding. Additionally, choose high-quality Shatavari powder from reputable sources to ensure purity and efficacy.
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Herbal Soya Powder

Herbal Soya Powder
  • Herbal Soya Powder
  • Herbal Soya Powder
  • Herbal Soya Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 85 / PieceGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Shelf Life18 months
Dosage1-2 spoon twice in a day before meal
Pack Size100 gm
Pack Typebottle
Country of OriginMade in India

Herbal Soya Powder, derived from soybeans, is a plant-based protein supplement that offers numerous health benefits. Here are some of its potential benefits:
1. **High-Quality Protein Source**: Herbal Soya Powder is rich in protein, containing all essential amino acids necessary for human health. It provides a convenient and complete protein source, especially beneficial for vegetarians, vegans, and those with dietary restrictions.
2. **Muscle Building and Repair**: The protein content in Herbal Soya Powder supports muscle growth, repair, and maintenance. It is particularly valuable for athletes, bodybuilders, and individuals engaged in regular exercise, aiding in muscle recovery and development.
3. **Weight Management**: Soya protein helps promote satiety, reducing hunger and calorie intake, which can aid in weight management and control. Incorporating Herbal Soya Powder into meals or snacks can contribute to a feeling of fullness, assisting in portion control and calorie moderation.
4. **Heart Health**: Soya protein has been shown to have heart-healthy benefits, including lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. Regular consumption of Herbal Soya Powder may support overall heart health.
5. **Bone Health**: Soya protein contains isoflavones, which have been associated with improved bone density and reduced risk of osteoporosis, particularly in postmenopausal women. Herbal Soya Powder can contribute to maintaining strong and healthy bones.
6. **Hormonal Balance**: Isoflavones found in soya products act as phytoestrogens, which may help regulate hormonal balance, especially in women experiencing menopausal symptoms. Herbal Soya Powder may alleviate hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings associated with menopause.
7. **Digestive Health**: Herbal Soya Powder is rich in dietary fiber, which supports digestive health by promoting regular bowel movements, preventing constipation, and supporting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. Fiber also aids in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.
8. **Antioxidant Protection**: Soya contains antioxidants such as vitamin E and isoflavones, which help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. Herbal Soya Powder supports overall cellular health and may lower the risk of chronic diseases.
9. **Skin and Hair Health**: Soya protein contains amino acids that are essential for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails. Herbal Soya Powder supports collagen production, skin elasticity, and hair strength, contributing to a youthful appearance.
10. **Cancer Prevention**: Some studies suggest that regular consumption of soya products may lower the risk of certain cancers, including breast, prostate, and colon cancer. Herbal Soya Powder contains compounds that may help inhibit cancer cell growth and promote apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells.
It's important to note that while Herbal Soya Powder offers many potential health benefits, individual responses may vary. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any existing health conditions or concerns. Additionally, choosing high-quality Herbal Soya Powder from reputable sources ensures purity and efficacy.
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Herbal Stamina Powder

Herbal Stamina Powder
  • Herbal Stamina Powder
  • Herbal Stamina Powder
  • Herbal Stamina Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 90 / PieceGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size100 gm
Packaging TypeBottle
Shelf life18 months
Dosage Form (If Applicable)1-2 sovan twice in a day before meal
Country of OriginMade in India

"Stamina powder" typically refers to herbal supplements formulated to enhance physical and mental stamina. While specific ingredients may vary among products, here are some common herbal ingredients found in stamina powders and their potential benefits:
1. **Ashwagandha:** This adaptogenic herb is known for its ability to reduce stress, increase energy levels, and improve physical performance. It may also support hormonal balance and enhance overall vitality.
2. **Rhodiola rosea:** Another adaptogenic herb, rhodiola rosea, is believed to enhance endurance, reduce fatigue, and improve mental clarity and focus. It's often used to combat stress and increase resilience to physical and mental challenges.
3. **Panax ginseng:** Ginseng is renowned for its energy-boosting properties and is believed to improve physical performance, reduce fatigue, and enhance cognitive function. It's commonly used to increase stamina and endurance.
4. **Maca root:** Maca is an adaptogenic herb known for its ability to increase energy, stamina, and endurance. It may also support hormonal balance, improve mood, and enhance libido.
5. **Cordyceps:** This medicinal mushroom is thought to increase oxygen uptake, improve endurance, and enhance athletic performance. It's often used to boost stamina and vitality.
6. **Eleuthero (Siberian ginseng):** Similar to Panax ginseng, eleuthero is believed to increase energy levels, improve endurance, and reduce fatigue. It's commonly used to enhance physical performance and resilience to stress.
7. **Tribulus terrestris:** This herb is traditionally used to support energy levels, enhance athletic performance, and improve libido. It may also have benefits for hormonal balance and overall vitality.
8. **Caffeine:** While not an herb, caffeine is a common ingredient in stamina powders due to its stimulatory effects on the central nervous system. It can increase alertness, improve focus, and enhance physical performance and endurance.
9. **Green tea extract:** Green tea contains antioxidants and caffeine, which can boost energy levels, improve mental alertness, and enhance physical performance. It may also support weight management and overall health.
10. **Ginkgo biloba:** Ginkgo is believed to improve blood circulation, increase oxygen delivery to cells, and enhance cognitive function. It may also support physical endurance and stamina.
Stamina powders often combine these herbal ingredients to provide a comprehensive approach to increasing energy levels, improving physical performance, and enhancing mental focus and stamina. However, it's essential to use these supplements cautiously and consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications. Additionally, always follow the recommended dosage instructions provided by the manufacturer.
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Stem Cell Powder

Stem Cell Powder
  • Stem Cell Powder
  • Stem Cell Powder
  • Stem Cell Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 80 / BottleGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size100 gm
Packaging TypeBottle
Shelf life18 months
Dosage Form (If Applicable)1-2 sovan twice in a day before meal
Country of OriginMade in India

Stem cell powder, derived from stem cells usually obtained from umbilical cord blood or bone marrow, has gained attention for its potential health benefits. While research is ongoing and more studies are needed to fully understand its efficacy, some purported benefits include:
1. **Regenerative Properties**: Stem cells have the ability to regenerate and repair damaged tissues. Stem cell powder may support tissue repair and regeneration, aiding in the healing process for injuries or degenerative conditions.
2. **Anti-inflammatory Effects**: Stem cells possess anti-inflammatory properties that could help reduce inflammation in the body. This may benefit conditions such as arthritis, autoimmune disorders, and inflammatory bowel diseases.
3. **Immune System Support**: Stem cells play a role in modulating the immune system. Stem cell powder may help enhance immune function and improve the body's ability to fight off infections and diseases.
4. **Anti-aging Effects**: Some proponents claim that stem cell powder can slow down the aging process and promote longevity. This is based on the idea that stem cells can rejuvenate tissues and organs, potentially delaying age-related decline.
5. **Improved Healing**: Stem cell therapy is being explored for its potential to enhance wound healing. Stem cell powder may accelerate the healing of wounds, cuts, and burns by promoting the growth of new tissue.
6. **Neurological Health**: There is some research suggesting that stem cells may have neuroprotective effects and could potentially be used in the treatment of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and stroke. Stem cell powder may support brain health and cognitive function.
7. **Hair Regrowth**: Some studies have shown that stem cells may promote hair growth by stimulating the regeneration of hair follicles. Stem cell powder may be beneficial for individuals experiencing hair loss or thinning.
It's important to note that while these potential benefits are promising, stem cell therapy and stem cell products are still undergoing research and development. The efficacy and safety of stem cell powder have not been fully established, and its use should be approached with caution. Consulting with a healthcare professional before using stem cell powder is advisable, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns.
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Lemon Tea Powder

Lemon Tea Powder
  • Lemon Tea Powder
  • Lemon Tea Powder
  • Lemon Tea Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 80 / PackGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size100 g
Shelf life18 months
Dosage1-2 spoon twice in a day before meal
Country of OriginMade in India

Lemon tea powder is a convenient way to enjoy the refreshing flavor of lemon tea with added health benefits. Here are some potential benefits associated with lemon tea powder:
1. **Rich in Vitamin C**: Lemon tea powder is typically made from dried lemon juice or lemon peel, both of which are rich sources of vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that supports immune function, promotes collagen production for healthy skin, and aids in iron absorption.
2. **Antioxidant Properties**: Lemon tea powder contains antioxidants, such as vitamin C and flavonoids, which help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. Antioxidants protect cells from oxidative stress and damage, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and supporting overall health.
3. **Boosts Immune System**: The high vitamin C content in lemon tea powder can help strengthen the immune system and reduce the severity and duration of colds and flu. Drinking lemon tea regularly may help prevent infections and support immune function.
4. **Aids Digestion**: Lemon tea is believed to aid digestion and promote healthy digestion. The acidity of lemon juice may help stimulate the production of digestive enzymes, improve bile secretion, and alleviate symptoms of indigestion, bloating, and constipation.
5. **Detoxifies the Body**: Lemon tea is often consumed as part of detoxification or cleansing programs due to its ability to support liver function and promote detoxification processes in the body. Lemon juice contains compounds that help flush out toxins and waste products from the body.
6. **Hydration**: Lemon tea powder can be added to hot or cold water to make a refreshing beverage that helps keep you hydrated throughout the day. Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining optimal bodily functions, including digestion, circulation, and detoxification.
7. **Weight Management**: Some studies suggest that lemon tea may aid in weight management and promote weight loss. Lemon juice contains pectin, a type of soluble fiber that helps increase feelings of fullness and reduce appetite, potentially leading to reduced calorie intake and weight loss.
8. **Alkalizes the Body**: Despite its acidic taste, lemon juice has an alkalizing effect on the body once metabolized. Consuming lemon tea may help balance the body's pH levels and reduce acidity, which can have benefits for overall health and wellness.
9. **Improves Skin Health**: The vitamin C and antioxidants in lemon tea powder can help improve skin health by promoting collagen production, reducing oxidative stress, and preventing signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots.
10. **Refreshing and Energizing**: Lemon tea is a refreshing and energizing beverage that can help invigorate the senses and improve mood and mental alertness. It's a healthier alternative to sugary drinks and caffeinated beverages.
It's important to note that while lemon tea powder offers many potential benefits, individual responses may vary, and it's not a substitute for a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Additionally, lemon juice is acidic and may cause tooth enamel erosion if consumed in excess, so it's essential to practice good oral hygiene and consume lemon tea in moderation.
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Saunf Katira Powder

Saunf Katira Powder
  • Saunf Katira Powder
  • Saunf Katira Powder
  • Saunf Katira Powder
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Approx. Price: Rs 80 / PackGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size100 g
Shelf Life18 months
Dosage1-2 spoon twice in a day before meal
Country of OriginMade in India

Saunf Katira, also known as Tragacanth Gum, is a natural gum obtained from the dried sap of the roots of various species of Astragalus, especially Astragalus gummifer and Astragalus adscendens. Saunf Katira powder is made by grinding this gum into a fine powder. It has several traditional uses in Ayurvedic and Unani medicine. Here are some potential benefits associated with Saunf Katira powder:
1. **Cooling Effect**: Saunf Katira powder has a cooling effect on the body, making it beneficial during hot weather or to alleviate heat-related conditions such as heatstroke and dehydration.
2. **Digestive Health**: Saunf Katira powder may help promote digestive health by soothing the digestive tract, relieving acidity, and alleviating gastrointestinal discomfort such as bloating, gas, and indigestion. It may also help regulate bowel movements and prevent constipation.
3. **Respiratory Health**: Saunf Katira powder is believed to have expectorant properties that help relieve respiratory conditions such as cough, bronchitis, and asthma. It may help loosen mucus and phlegm from the respiratory tract, making it easier to expel.
4. **Urinary Tract Health**: Saunf Katira powder may have diuretic properties that help increase urine production and promote urinary tract health. It may help flush out toxins, reduce water retention, and alleviate symptoms of urinary tract infections.
5. **Skin Care**: Saunf Katira powder is often used in skincare products for its soothing and cooling properties. It may help hydrate and moisturize the skin, reduce inflammation, and soothe irritated or sunburned skin.
6. **Weight Loss**: Saunf Katira powder is sometimes used as a natural remedy for weight loss. It may help promote a feeling of fullness and reduce appetite, leading to decreased calorie intake and potential weight loss.
7. **Joint Pain Relief**: Saunf Katira powder may have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation and alleviate joint pain and stiffness associated with conditions such as arthritis and rheumatism.
8. **Immune Support**: Saunf Katira powder contains polysaccharides and other compounds that may help support immune function and enhance the body's natural defense mechanisms against infections and diseases.
9. **Detoxification**: Saunf Katira powder may help detoxify the body by binding to toxins and waste materials in the digestive tract and facilitating their elimination from the body.
10. **Nutritional Content**: Saunf Katira powder contains various nutrients, including carbohydrates, fiber, and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which contribute to overall health and well-being.
It's important to note that while Saunf Katira powder offers many potential benefits, scientific evidence supporting its efficacy is limited, and more research is needed to validate its traditional uses. Additionally, individuals with certain medical conditions or allergies should consult with a healthcare professional before using Saunf Katira powder as a remedy.
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Triple Stem Cell Drop

Triple Stem Cell Drop
  • Triple Stem Cell Drop
  • Triple Stem Cell Drop
  • Triple Stem Cell Drop
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Approx. Price: Rs 55 / BottleGet Latest Price

Product Details:

Packaging Size30 ml
Packaging TypeBottle
Dosage3- 4 Drop
Shelf Life18 months
Country of OriginMade in India

  1. Regenerative Properties: These drops may claim to promote tissue regeneration and repair by supplying stem cells or stem cell extracts. Stem cells have the potential to develop into various cell types and contribute to tissue repair, but the ability of orally consumed stem cells to reach target tissues and exert therapeutic effects is uncertain.

  2. Anti-aging Effects: Some supplements may suggest that stem cells have anti-aging properties and can rejuvenate aging tissues and organs. While stem cells play a role in tissue maintenance and repair, their effectiveness in reversing the aging process or delaying age-related decline is not well-established.

  3. Enhanced Healing: Stem cell-based supplements may be marketed as promoting faster healing and recovery from injuries or illnesses. However, the evidence supporting the use of stem cells for wound healing or tissue repair is still emerging, and more research is needed to determine their effectiveness.

  4. Immune System Support: Certain supplements may claim to boost immune function by modulating the immune response through the action of stem cells. While stem cells interact with the immune system, their specific role in immune regulation and modulation is complex and not fully understood.

  5. Joint and Cartilage Health: Stem cell-based products may be promoted for their potential to support joint health and alleviate symptoms of conditions like osteoarthritis. While stem cell therapy shows promise in regenerating cartilage in clinical trials, the use of orally consumed stem cells for this purpose is controversial and lacks sufficient evidence.

  6. Neurological Health: Some supplements may claim to support brain health and cognitive function through the action of stem cells. While stem cells have been investigated for their potential to repair damaged brain tissue in neurological disorders, the safety and efficacy of oral stem cell supplements for neurological conditions are uncertain.

  7. Overall Wellness: Stem cell-based supplements may be marketed as promoting overall health and well-being by supporting various bodily functions. However, the specific effects of these supplements on overall health are not well-understood, and claims should be critically evaluated.

It's essential to note that the marketing claims associated with stem cell-based supplements, including "Triple Stem Cell Drop," may be exaggerated or misleading. The use of stem cells for therapeutic purposes is still an active area of research, and many questions remain regarding their safety, efficacy, and appropriate use. Before using any stem cell-based supplement, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to discuss potential risks and benefits, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

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